Sunday, November 22, 2015

Counting Blessings

Thanksgiving season has arrived and I have started counting blessings.

Here are a few of mine.

The joy of creating.

Flowers continuing to bloom.

Veggies waiting for harvest.

Bits of color brightening a gray November day.

Warm goodies for sharing.

Two companions enjoying a moment together.

There are so many more but will save those for another post.

In the meantime maybe you will share some of yours.

Have a Blessed Day!

Hugs Debbie


  1. Love your painting Debbie. Muffins look delicious and it must be warm still there. Woke up this morn to a white frosty world, our first freeze. Love your dogs. This year I am thankful my husband is better and the people that chose me to buy their home where we'll have our first Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  2. Blessings abound and yours are shared.
    I add the family and friends gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving makes the shared Blessings even more special.
    Love this post. Thank you, dear friend.

  3. What a wonderful list of things you are thankful for today! They are delightful. I know your list will have many more items. In addition I am thankful for my family and my wonderful friends many of whom are here on the internet. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

  4. A lovely painting Debbie and beautiful photos! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We don't celebrate it in Australia but I think it is a lovely tradition.

  5. Beautiful thanksgivings
    Have a wonderful week!

  6. Gorgeous painting and lovely photos, Debbie!

  7. Your painting is so beautiful Debbie!! I wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving! It appears you are off to a great start!! :-)

  8. You have great things to be thankful for, Debbie! We don't celebrate this in the Netherlands, but your post is a great reminder for me to focus on the good things. Most of all I am thankful for the good relationship my son and I have now, we had some hard times in the past.

  9. We don't celebrate Thanks Giving in France and neither in the UK were my brother and sister live with their families.. Love all the things you gave thanks to. Such a talent you have , your lovely painting so full of colour and such looseness with the brush, love it.Enjoy your Thanks Giving with your family.

  10. Really love your painting Debbie. Expressively free and colourful. Just how I like my watercolours. I can feel the enjoyment you got from it. There is always lots to be thankful for and perhaps some of us are fortunate to learn that it is generally the simple things in life that bring us the most joy. Thanks for sharing. xx

  11. I just loved all of your pictures! Thank you.There is so much to be thankful for isn't there? Our family is coming for dinner on Thursday-we have more than enough to eat. Our weather has been mild and beautiful. There is just a real sense of peacefulness here. Lots to make a person happy.

    Take care and thank you again for the post.

  12. Hi Debbie, I am so blessed and thankful to be able to enjoy friends like you and the wonderful blog posts you share. I was blessed this weekend with a visit from my son and my 4 y.o. great grandson whom I had never met until now. What a joy! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  13. Lovely post and beautiful watercolor Debbie!

  14. Beautiful post, Debbie! These are all things for which to be very thankful. Your painting is wonderful, with those softly flowing colors!
    I wish you and all your family a Thanksgiving full of love and joy!
    Kathryn XX

  15. I'm thankful for our first real cool weather of the season! And many other things, including the love of family and friends, my sweet animals, and all the beautiful, uplifting things in the world. Thanks for this lovely post--hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  16. Love your photo list Debbie, but, most especially.....your beautiful painting!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  17. Love the painting Debbie. I love our friendship. I'm so thankful the Lord brought us together. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, dear friend!

  18. I can thank for so much love that fills my life, to which was added also loving thouthgs from many friends near and far, who supporting me very sweetly, like you, dear Debbie.
    Have nice Thanksgiving with your loved ones.
    (Watercolor very nice full of harmony as everything that comes through you)

  19. We have so many things to be thankful for. thanks for reminding us to count our blessings.

  20. Indeed there is so much to be grateful for Deb . Your watercolor is delicate and sweet, such pretty color combinations. Hugs.

  21. Your posts always give me pause to remember or to envisage the many blessings I have daily. I need reminding sometimes not to take them for granted. A blessed Thanksgiving to you and your family, Debbie!

  22. Debbie, What a lovely post. Your puppies look like delightful companions. Like you, I'm grateful for the joy of creativity ... whether it's my own or someone else's.

    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

    Sending hugs,

  23. Debbie I loved reading your post. I, too, have so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Not surprising, family tops my list. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hugs! Bonnie

  24. We share some of the same joyful blessings! And you are so right, we need to count them more often, we are so lucky in this beautiful country. Your painting is so full of life and color, thank you for sharing and inspiring me with your words and art. I'm Thankful for you! Have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family. ~ Diane

  25. Hi Debbie! Hope you have a very good Thanksgiving! You're so right , we have plenty to be grateful for. We just need to stop for a minute and appreciate. Your aquarella is lovely! A big special hug for this special holiday! Take care. :)

  26. Beautiful blessings you show here. I love the painting. I have started a gratitude journal which is my new blessing! Happy Thanksgiving, Rita

  27. Debbie , thanks for sharing your blessings. I find that even when our lives are in turmoil we can still find blessings.
    This past week was a miracle that I wasn't seriously hurt on my bike. ( Honda).

  28. So very lovely, Deb. Hope you and yours have an awesome thanksgiving!

  29. Beautiful Debbie, my family, my painting, Sadie and Cupcake and Jelly, friends, blogging family,love to u, Diana

  30. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for another year of sharing :)

  31. Your painting is exquisite, Debbie! And your unique eye for composition and color is so evident in your photos! I especially like the cabbage leaves! Well Done!


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