Sunday, September 1, 2013


"Try to remember the kind of September when life was slow and oh so mellow..."  a sweet sweet song from the 60's by the Sandpipers.  

Hope you all will have a wonderful first day of September remembering life when it was slow and mellow!

Thank you for stopping by - God Bless!


  1. How beautiful! Makes me want to lie in a hammock out there with a good book!!

  2. Debbie,
    Your morning glories are beautiful! And growing so well.
    A Happy and Healthy September to You & Yours!

  3. Beautiful photos. Oh now I want to hear the song in completion. It is a nice one to be humming all day. Happy September! Hugs, Bonnie

  4. Have a great September Debbie! Isn't that flower's color just glorious?

  5. love the morning glories, love the song, LOVE the kitty cat faces too!
    happy weekend to you,

  6. I love that song. Wish someone new would do it.

  7. I remember that song! Will be humming it the rest of the day! Love your morning glories! Have a wonderful and relaxing September. ( I can't believe it's September already. )

  8. A beautiful song and beautiful morning glories! I had heirloom morning glories (dark purple with a tidbit of pink in center)at my other home.....miss them. This pic reminded me of them! Thanks for giving me the memories~~~Have a wonderful holiday~~~Roxie

  9. Great song to get us in the mood Debbie and gorgeous picture to illustrate it.I always love your photography! Enjoy the rest of your long weekend.

  10. Morning Glories are such enduring and faithful flowers, they guide us all the way into October and then leave thousands of lovely seeds in their wake. Sweet September to you!

  11. These are so gorgeous!! I LOVE your capture!!! Did you know that I was married in September and we had blue morning glories as our 'wedding flower?" Very special memories evoked by your beautiful work!! HUGS!

  12. A favorite song of mine. The 60's had some great music. Your morning glories are gorgeous!

  13. Oh I love that song, so beautiful! Your morning glories are gorgeous too! Welcome September...Diane

  14. lovely song, and lovely morning glory flowers, I had some pinky purple ones this year, which reminds me, must save some of the seeds.... :-)

  15. I love that song! I think I've gotten too mellow. I didn't go out plain air painting for 2 days. lol

  16. Great song !
    Aren't morning glories just the best to wake up to !

  17. Wish I could see your paintings of these morning glory beauties. I know you must have painted them sometime.
    Your photos are always perfect.
    Who sang that song. I cannot remember

  18. Wow, those morning glories are certainly living up to their name - they're gloriously beautiful!
    I do remember those days when life was slower, and I really miss them.



  19. That song certainly brings back memories! Glad you enjoyed your "hookey day" with your husband - chores can always wait - carpe diem!


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