Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sunshine and Rain

 Some days God sends sunshine...

some days rain...

 some days a bit of both.
Every day He sends love.   We just need to look up.
                                                                                           Have a blessed day!


  1. Ooh, you captured the rainbow! That's so hard to do! Congratulations! These are beautiful, and they ALMOST make up for the fact that I was caught in a downpour about an hour ago!

  2. Hi Debbie, such a beautiful post!!! I just love that rainbow! Very inspirational.

  3. Gorgeous pics and wise words!

  4. Indeed! Such beautiful and stunning photos!

  5. Love to see rainbows. We had the same, here, yesterday - rain, clearing, dark stormy skies, some thunder in the evening with a big flash of lightning that had me disconnecting the computer (we've had a modem blown during a storm once so I'm always worried about that).
    Have a beautiful day!

  6. Oh what glorious photos-with equally wonderful words. Thank you for this post-I needed it!!!Love, Debra

  7. Beautiful photos. You've captured a really neat rainbow.
    The rain here has been welcomed. The trees have gone green in what seems like a few days.
    Hope you are feeling wonderful with this spring weather.

  8. Very inspirational. We sometimes forget to give thanks for the glory HE has given us.

    How is Shelby?

  9. I love your simple reminders about the things we should be thankful for Debbie. Sorry I have not replied to your e-mails lately but I am going through a really hectic time.

  10. What a beautiful and inspirational post! Lovely images you have shared with us today!

  11. And all around! Lovely post, dear friend, thank you -- we often do need to remember that He loves us with an everlasting love :)

  12. Beautiful photos, and the rainbows, what a wonderful God's creation. God bless Debbie.

  13. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos and inspiring words. Your garden is beautiful! I hadn't been here in a little while and had to go back far enough to see your puppy! What a joy he must be! Your blog brightened my day! And, yes - it's raining here as I type...

  14. Wow really beautiful photos and inspiring words. Love your blog!


  15. Bell’s rain spray test environmental chamber is also known as rain spray test chamber, it is used to test the water resistance for electronic and electrical products, such as solar lights, garden lights, buried lights, tunnel lights, car lights, fountain lights, the display…etc. rain test machine


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