Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What a wonderful Surprise!

I received a wonderful surprise.   
Laura Moore awarded my blog with the Liebster Award. It was so sweet of her to think of me.

Laura is one of those blogging friends that I hope to meet someday.  She is a very talented watercolor artist residing in the U.K.   

She paints the things I love and does it so, landscapes, birds and pieces of nature.   If you haven't stopped to visit Laura's blog - please do.   Thank you dear Laura for awarding me this honor.

With winter on its way out and spring just around the corner I am longing for flowers.  Digging out a photo of bleeding hearts that was shot last May inspired me to do the above mixed media piece.   Raw Sienna ink, watercolors and watercolor pencil were used on hot press paper.   

Bleeding hearts are such a favorite plant.   Their little pink heart shaped blossoms grow tall above their foliage.   They withstand frosty mornings if they are grown in a protected location.   Our woods seems to be a welcome place for them and they thrive here very well.

It will be May before we know it and the cold winds of March will soon be forgotten.    Winter is bidding us farewell.  Soon spring will say hello!  In the meantime let us all find some cheer in knowing the flowers are beginning to awaken from their long nap.  Once again blossoms will dance in the delightful breeze providing nectar to the birds and the bees.

                        May all your dreams be sweet!  Have a good night.


  1. Lovely job on these sweet flowers. A touch of spring is so welcome.

    I hope you didn't get affected by the storm that passed through. I'm glad I'm down south.

  2. Congratulations -- you deserve it! That is an absolutely beautiful watercolour; you are so talented -- it sort of brings to mind Edith Holden's Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady :)

  3. your painting is beautiful and captures the flower so well.

  4. Congratulations. I can see why she nominated your blog. I alway read your posts. Oh, and I love the bleeding heart painting too.

  5. Aww thanks so much Debbie. The feeling is mutual. Really love your bleeding hearts. Such a sad name, for a such a pretty flower. Take care. xx

  6. Lovely flowers!! I have never seen them in real life, I don't think. And that hung yellow moon photo is beautiful.

  7. congrats, just wanted to say I wuz here.. love your post today, I know Laura too. BJ

  8. Thank you so much for the link. I will go over for a visit. I love the plant broken heart too. Mine is already surfacing. Frost is predicted, so I hope I won't lose it.
    Have a great day.

  9. Oh what a lovely painting!!!!
    Your blog is truly a delight. Congrats on the award!

  10. Congratulations on your award, you have a blog that is very connected with your readers, very personal, so the award is well deserved.
    I love bleeding hearts too, and I love your painting of them.
    Have a great day,

  11. Congratulations on receiving an award for your blog! I love your flowers and beautiful post that goes along with it. I think Jenni said it perfectly- you have a blog that connects with your readers, it's not an easy thing. Have a great weekend! Celia

  12. Congratulations on the award! I love your painting of the beautiful Bleeding Hearts! Just gorgeous! Awesome photo of the moon through the trees, too!
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Congratulations with your blog award. You're such a wonderful woman and blogger, you deserve the award. And I like this delicate bleeding heart. Hope you'll have a blessed weekend. Greetings!

  14. CONGRATS, Deb -- so justly deserved!! I LOVE your beautiful painting!!! Gloriously captured -- so delicate and fine!! BRAVA!

  15. Congrats Debbie! Love the bleeding hearts you painted, can't wait to see mine growing in another month or so! Our snow is melting away, thankfully!

  16. ...lovely painting of the 'bleeding heart' flowers, I have a white one in my garden but flowering time for it is still a long way off, just gotta be patient...:-)

  17. Congratulations on the blog award...I am not surprised you were chosen. :)

  18. Beautiful painting! Bleeding Hearts are such wonderful flowers. One of my favorites too.


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