Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tracks in the Snow

 There is something special about tracks in the snow.  Obviously someone has traveled this way before.   It may be two legged or four.


Some may be known.

(Kitty Prints)


Some  are not. 

(Possibly a Bunny?)



My favorite are those that travel side by side.   That means one was not alone.   There was company along the way.

Ever notice how the trek seems more pleasant when it is shared.   The hills don't seem quite so steep.  The wind's bite is not as harsh.   The sun shines brighter.

Life's journey is much sweeter when there is companionship.

A scripture comes to mind...

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:  If either of them falls down, one can help the other up."    Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV).

Thank you each and everyone for keeping me company as I make my tracks in the snow.   May I do the same for you.   God bless! 



  1. Just beautiful, wonderful words with the snowy landscape.
    Thank You,

  2. Wonderful winter images here on your blog!

  3. Ohhh, sweet Pixie, love seeing your tracks side-by-side with Sarge...♥ Love your comment about the journey...reminds me of "footprints in the sand"...
    Have a wonderful week, my dear friend!

  4. Your thoughts are wonderful, Debbie. I too thought of Footprints in the sand...

  5. What a great post! I love that last photo of the tree on top of the hill. that story that it tells is very powerful! It's also interesting to see all the different colors of the snow in different lighting.

  6. Beautiful thoughts, beautiful words, and beautiful photos. May God continue to speak to us through your creative gift and loving heart! Oh, and did I mention I needed to hear this today??? :))

  7. Wonderful thoughts. Thank you for sharing

    I think you are right. It is a bunny.

  8. I love looking at tracks in the snow and trying to guess who they belong to.

  9. Beautiful photos and sentiment.

  10. Lovely photos!!! I always enjoy seeing footsteps in the snow and thinking of who else has shared the path with us. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I also love the tracks, and try to guess just who was there before me. I think I have spotted a fox here, and some long footed birds-the snow is so pretty now too. I loved this post, dear Debbie...

  12. Of course, now that our own German Shepherd puppy is growing up, I couldn't help but notice Sarge. Beautiful boy! And great photos!

  13. I totally agree that having someone to share the road makes it seem less long. I love those tracks in the snow. They can tell so many stories.

  14. Wonderful thoughts. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Thank you Debbie, you are so right and thank you for walking with me too. love to you,Diana

  16. sweet poetic thoughts with the photo's.

  17. How lovely -- beautiful words, and beautiful pictures.

  18. This is a heartwarming post. The footprints side by side remind me of the story of only one set of footprints but because the other was being carried on HIS shoulders Love the photo of the tree and wonder if I may use it?


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