Sunday, November 29, 2020

Give Thanks

As November comes to a close taking a moment to give thanks.

 For an early sunrise...

Fall's final leaves...

a sunny afternoon walk...

the years we had this beloved pet....(Scooter you are missed).

and last but not least  for each of you who bless me with your lovely visits.  

God Bless!

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."  Psalm 107:1 (NIV)


  1. And thank you for your wonderful posts every week, Debbie!

  2. There are so many things to be thankful for , we must stop and remember it once in a while :-)

  3. Thank you Lord for this most generous person.
    I am sorry your kitty has left a hole in your heart. I hope it soon fills with fond memories and the love that will last.
    Have a great week.

  4. Sweet post my friend. Been thinking of you a lot lately. Give the dogs a hug for me!

  5. Giving thanks for you wonderful blog and you

  6. I always look forward to your posts, Debbie! They always make me smile.. I am sorry about your cat.... always sad when we lose our fur babies.... and it’s so hard to believe November is quickly leaving us!!! How did this happen? Soon Christmas will be here!!!
    Take care my friend!!!

  7. What a lovely post! I'm thankful for you too, Debbie! I'm so sorry about your kitty -- what a holes our beloved furry ones leave in our hearts when they leave us. Heart hugs!

    Here's wishing you a beautiful month ahead,
    Brenda xo

  8. Sorry to hear about Scooter. I am finding it hard to be thankful these days so your reminders are always welcome.

  9. I'm so sorry about Scooter. I can't remember how I found you, but I'm grateful. Your posts are the best, Debbie. Hugs.

  10. Dear Debbie,
    I too am grateful for your tender posts and the sharing of the simplicity found in nature...Gentle of spirit...I'm sorry your Scooter is no longer with you, but I'm glad that you all had one another...

  11. Debbie, those blessings go both ways! Thank you for being so supportive and sharing your world and the beauty of it. Have a wonderful time moving into the new month. Enjoy!!

  12. Lieve post (lovely post) and nice photos

  13. Each season has its charm, each one is inspiring, the important thing is to go through them and enjoy what they offer us.
    Happy weekend.

  14. I'm catching up on my blog reading, and didn't realize it had been so long since I visited. I'm grateful for all your uplifting posts, and your kind comments when you visit Catching Happiness. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


I love reading your comments. Thanks for leaving one.


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