Sunday, September 13, 2020

Be Kind

Prayer Journal For September

  The title of my prayer journal this month is "Be  Kind".

   I have even spotted certain signs along the road  that remind one to practice this virtue.

    What an appropriate message for the present time we are living.

 Like tiny seeds that started these morning glories traveling through out the garden; so it is with a small seed of kindness sown into someone's life.

It can grow and encompass others.  

Possibly even reaching farther afield than where one lives.

 Just maybe one kind act could make a difference in our community, our nation, and our world.

My prayer is that each of you will encounter a bit of kindness this week and  pass it on.



"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy."  Titus 3:4 & 5a (NIV)


  1. "But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy."

    A hearfelt, giant Amen to that.

  2. Beautiful words, kind this week will be beyond

  3. What a lovely thought on which to begin a new week. Kindness can change the direction of someone's life. I would like to make that kind of difference. Thank you Debbie. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead. Brenda xo

  4. That would be a positive way to start the week for sure. Just a little kindness can mean so much in the life of a person we encounter. Have a wonderful week, and I hope many bits of kindness come your way!

  5. I love the message of your post! I've seen a small "Be Kind" sign along I-70 here in Maryland. It probably goes unnoticed because it is so small and by itself. People are speeding by at 65 mph. It is a metaphor for our times that the pandemic is attempting to correct, don't you think.

    I have wild morning glories in my yard, too, only mine are light blue. Aren't they wonderful! I love your painting and calligraphy--your art is always inspiring to me. ❤️

  6. Kindness is becoming such a rare quality. It's good of you to remind us to practise kindness. Life is so much better when we are kind to each other.

  7. Be kind is always the best approach to anything and anyone! Love it!

  8. Beautiful and delicate watercolor of morning glory , just love this plant and the beautiful color of the flower , and you painted it gloriously ! Kindness should be a way of life , takes so little and gives so much back.

  9. Your drawings are so pretty. You are so right about being kind. Can you even imagine what a different world this would be if everyone was kind. A smile or kind word just might change someone's bad day.

  10. dear Debbie i loved these drawings ,they are soothing and pretty

    i always love your wise words about Lord and his blessings!
    those who understand and receive the kindness of their Creator have glory to give it away on the way to others of their life indeed
    such beautiful photos my friend wishing more joys and peace

  11. As post beautiful words...your sketch of the morning glories a perfect... enjoy the rest of the week!!!!!

  12. I love your painting and the Scripture. Very good reminder to be kind in a world that can be otherwise!

  13. If only the world showed more kindness and understanding, it would be a much better place. I really like your kindness journal, Debbie. And how wonderful that you got to touch the butterfly as it was fluttering by. They fly about so quickly, and it's hard to even get a close look at them. This is a lovely post and a gentle reminder to us all, thank you. And the comment you shared on my post today was very special, indeed. : )


  14. Debbie, your blog is one of my favorites. Thank you for this post. I love the butterfly! Yes, we all need to remember to be kind. Hugs!

  15. Thanks, Debbie, for your kindness. I hope to pass this feeling on this week. I’m smiling.

  16. Yes, please, a whole lot more kindness. At least I know when i come to your blog I will see gentle and uplifting things :).

  17. So it is or better it should be, it is in all of us to make our existence happier and more bearable, to enjoy everything we have at our disposal, the simplest and most beautiful things.
    Happy weekend

  18. Beautiful post, dear Debbie. I feel blessed as I am surrounded by kindness each day. It comes in little ways, a warm smile thru a plastic shield at the bank drive through, my children phoning every day to make sure we are well. Offers of help from so many if needed and the love of our Lord thru the scriptures. If I never put on the TV then the world would stay kind. But we need to know about the unkindness to pray for it to end.
    sending warm and caring blessings to you both, dear Debbie.
    Hope the family is keeping safe.


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