Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Last of November

It is the last of November friends.   Most of the leaves have fallen...harvest season is at an end ... deer hunting has begun.

Soon it will be time to prepare for Christmas and a New Year.   Seems like life happens way too fast.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could slow down and make the moments last?

I have just started reading a book "One Month to Live" by Kerry and Chris Shook.

It is based on the thought that if you only had one month to live what meaningful thing would you do each day.   I think it will be a perfect read for this time of the year.  Sometimes we get so caught up in the craziness of the holidays that we lose touch with why we are here and what is of importance.

Tomorrow another birthday will arrive.  It sets one to do some pondering.  While life has many ups and downs it seems vital to hold onto what matters.  In the big scheme of things as brother James penned in the scriptures ..."what is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."  James 4:14b   Upon that thought hoping everyone finds time to do what is meaningful this coming week. 

Hugs Debbie


  1. Most lovely my friend! So hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! I hope your day is filled with love, joy, family and friends. Yes, the year seems to have sped by. I will be celebrating my birthday this week also. It seems like it was just January the other day. This time of year is a good time to think about the meaning of our lives and how we can make it more meaningful. Have a wonderful week, and a blessed birthday tomorrow.

  3. Happy birthday, Debbie! I love your watercolors!

  4. The famous baird William Shakespeare once wrote ' life is but a dream, within a dream'. After reading what brother James wrote about 'what is your life', 'you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes' It reminded me of what Shakespeare had written during his very creative life. I think the dark November days have us indoors much more and daylight is shorter too. It is indeed a time for reflection and quiet. I hope you have a lovely birthday. Best wishes Caroline

  5. Good day Debbie, such a beautiful post. Yes, November is days are fleeting. For me it's been a wonderful month and I hope for you also. The only way we can slow down time for ourselves is purposeful living moment to moment; no recanting of the the past and not too much wondering what tomorrow will bring. I find that being ever present in the now is best. Enjoy your new week, and savor each moment.

  6. Bonjour chère amie,

    J'aime beaucoup cet idée... Pourquoi ne pas se réapprivoiser le temps ?!... Mon médecin me disait que je devrais mettre une petite pointe d'égoïsme dans ma tasse de thé tous les matins... Je pense qu'il a raison. Profiter du temps en appréciant chaque instant et prendre du temps pour soi.
    Merci pour ce joli billet et merci pour ton gentil passage sur mon blog... Je ne suis pas toujours présente ! (je m'autorise le "tu" !)

    Gros bisous 🌸

  7. Beautiful watercolors to fill these colorless days. Positive thoughts and acts to fill these short days. Have fun celebrating life.

  8. First of all....HAPPY BiRTHDAY!!!! A lovely post...I can't believe it's December already... And a wonderful month it is... I love your watercolors..soft and beautiful!

  9. Happy Happy Birthday!!! I love this post - it means so much at this time of year. One month = what would you do and what would you just ignore (put on your wellies and splash in the puddles but don't worry about those dust bunnies under the bed!) Hope this birthday brings you many many good things.

  10. Happy Birthday sweet friend! Lovely post.....

  11. I love your flower watercolors, beautiful and delicate!It is a perfect post for the upcoming month. Wishing you a wonderful birthday and year ahead! May God bless you always!! xx

  12. Couldn't agree more with you and James !! And thank you for sharing your ever so lovely watercolors, a treat as always . Wishing you a very Happy Birthday !!

  13. Happy birthday Debbie and thanks for your sweet and thoughtful posts.

  14. Hi Debbie, how are you after all these festivities of Thanksgiving! I hope you had a marvelous time and got to enjoy the moment to the fullest, though I imagine that with all the preparation you probably got so busy maybe you didn’t have time to enjoy . You still make beautiful art with your flowering cards. Your family and friends must be happy to get them as presents. Take care and have a very special Birthday Anniversary, lots of good wishes sent your way. A big hug😘😊🌺☀️🎂

  15. Dear Debbie,
    Beautiful photo, lovely thoughts you shared, thank you...I will look for the book...It can be a struggle to find simple and spiritual meaning to life with all the noise and disturbing news out there. Kindness, love, beauty, to hang onto...How nice you had a birthday recently in this special time of year, a time for reflection, I think, quietude...Rita

  16. Such a beautiful post with lovely thoughts in it. Thank you, Debbie! I'm so glad your post popped up for me to visit.

    Brenda xox

  17. Good evening dear friend...
    I love your beautiful cards here.. Your watercolors are always so gorgeous.
    Happy belated Birthday, Debbie, this is such a lovely post.
    And thank you for your kind words about my angel relief. I just finished her up this evening, and hope to post tomorrow. It was a joyful journey.

  18. Sounds like a perfect book for this season of rush rush rush. The days go by much too quickly. I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Debbie. Beautiful pictures!

  19. Hope you had the happiest of birthdays, my friend.
    You truly deserve it.

  20. Hello Debbie, can you believe it is already the 2nd December? November came and went so fast. I think I need to read One Month to Live it might just make me focus on the really important things.
    Happy belated birthday to you, I hope you had a very special day. Hugs Barbara

  21. Dear Debbie, Belated Happy Birthday. I hope you had a wonderful and blessed birthday. November just went so fast, I almost not noticed it. You are right, we must find time to reflect what is meaningful to us and then try to enjoy it. Your watercolor flowers are lovely. God bless

  22. I'm late in visiting Debbie. Happy Birthday for last week.

    I love your gorgeous watercolours, they celebrate the simple beauty that quietly grow in our gardens.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and may your week be a happy one :D) xx

  23. Wise words, Debbie, and so apropos of daily life. We had the most gorgeous sunrise this morning. Very ethereal with light and dark pinks everywhere. Oh, to hold on to that vision! Seems like our lives today are so fast-paced. We need to slow ourselves down and appreciate the gifts around us.


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