Sunday, June 14, 2015

June's Happenings

Here are a few of June's Happenings.

Some Sketching...

Strawberry Picking...

Bird Watching....

Cat Napping....

and last but not least a little reading.

What are some of your June happenings?  Hope you will share!

Have a delightful week.

God Bless 


  1. Hello Debbie.
    I've been missing for awhile & now I'm catching up. Your post shows how I think you feel, relaxed and enjoying summer sketching.

  2. June is starting out wonderfully for you! Those trees are beautifully done, and the strawberries look delicious. As for my June doings so far, I've been to a wholesale orchid nursery (which I'll write about on my blog next week), I've been making smoothies and baked goods with the blueberries I picked recently, and I've been reading a lot. And watching the Stanley Cup playoffs because our Tampa team is playing!

  3. Hello Debbie,
    You are really an accomplished artist. I love the trees you sketched, and your strawberries look so good! The cat nap photo made me smile..

    I have been needle felting, tending to my roses and have picked up my watercolors..
    Wishing you a peaceful Sunday.

  4. Marvelous tree sketching. And those strawberries sure look like it's a sweet June for sure.

  5. Love your cat napping photo! lol
    I haven't been strawberry picking. Two of the local farms are closed and closed to strawberry pick your own. sigh. No hot sun and bugs for me this year.

  6. Love your sketches, Debbie. Well done! Love all of your June happenings. I don't think I've let it sink in that it's already June...

  7. I always enjoy your sketches, Debbie, and I love your photos. :)

  8. What a perfect June indeed!! Your sketches are beautiful...but catnapping? My favorite!!!

  9. There is a lot of simple loveliness here! Your tree sketches are fun and of course, I like the birds, books, and the cat nap! We have much of the same here. It seems to be the basic things that make everything so nice:)


  10. Your June sounds like it's been absolutely delightful so far :) Happy Monday, dear Debbie! Hugs and blessings!

  11. Same as your summer Debbie. Except for those gorgeous strawberries. I am eating handfuls of blueberries though; don't know if there will be enough left to put up.

  12. Your tree sketches are outstanding, Debbie. Something about trees makes me feel peaceful. We try to stay cool this time of year (it's been in the high 90's approaching 100's) so chores are early morning activities. Tending to flowers, going for walks, any baking to do all gets done early. Afternoons are for reading, painting, writing and I must admit occasionally a little cat-napping as well. I admit it.

  13. I love the drawing...the berries are so pretty-I can almost taste them! Hope you are well...

  14. A lovely post Deb, you always create such a great mood with your photos , and your sketches are awesome , you really know your trees :-) In june and when the heat really starts I go wild with the italian ice cream , I shouldn't , but how can you resist.... xx

  15. Debbie, I think you have covered all my favorite June [really all time] activities, except for horseback riding. Looks like a wonderful June for you so far!!! :)
    Kathryn XX

  16. You are definitely in the June spirit!!! Lovely photos! Enjoy!

  17. I am eating my fair share of strawberries! Beautiful sketch and photos! Keep enjoying this beautiful month! xx

  18. A lovely post. Your tree sketches are lovely. English strawberries are in the shops, enjoying them each day. To lick your own is even better, real freshness, tested and smell. We need to take in everything of summer, every day after the long cold ,wet weather. Glad to see some chill time with a book.
    Lovely to find you had visited, thank you Debbie. I have been working hard in house and garden, ignoring the Internet ! Sending my best wishes x

  19. The iPad changes words! Pick not lick, taste not tested! And maybe a better pair of glasses. Have a good week Debbie x

  20. ooh those strawberries, i could imagine that you are going to make lots of yummy things with those and your sketchbook and a bluebird too. i think i caught a glimpse of one the other day and it's been years since i've seen one.

  21. Really loving your tree sketches Debbie. Those strawberries look tasty too. One day if we keep wishing hard enough we might get to share the love of sketching and eating strawberries together. Have fun. xx

  22. Hi Debbie
    Love that sketch and the strawberries - mine are just ripening. Oh to be a cat and laze the day away and the top book looks interesting. Sounds like you are having a fine old time my friend. have a good weekend I'll see you when I return from my break.

  23. I really think June is my favorite month... here it starts with peonies and then roses and strawberries .... gorgeous images!

  24. These peaceful, soothing summer scenes are especially precious to me this morning! I'm so grateful that you see them for what they are, and that you capture them to share with others! Thank you!

  25. And the tree sketches are wonderful! Do you frame your collections like these?


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