Sunday, June 7, 2015

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon.

There was time to wander and check out what was blooming along the fence rows.

Multi -flower rose is at its peak giving off its beautiful fragrance.

Purple clover mixes and entwines with the blackberry bushes.   By the looks of things there will be plenty of berries this summer.  I am certain there will be a pie or two!

These tiny white flowers remind me of Baby's breath.  They make a lovely low growing ground cover.

Lazy Sunday afternoons make a perfect time to take a stroll on the wild side.

I think these two thought so.

Hope you did too.   Have a blessed week.

Hugs Debbie


  1. What a beautiful post, Debbie...
    I love all the photos... Especially the last one with your two beautiful companions.

    The little white flowers, I thought it was baby's breath also, at first glance... Do you happen to know the name of this beauty?
    Wishing you a lovely week ahead

  2. Debbie,

    What lovely photos! Isn't a lazy day nice? We all need days like that to relax, rejuvenate and energize. Glad you had one, and thank you so much for sharing it. :)

  3. A blessed week to you, Debbie
    Amazing how Schindler is developing into such a gorgeous Shepard. He looks regal already.

  4. That's what Sundays are for isn't it - being lazy, talking a walk and seeing what Mother Nature has to offer - a precious time when life can be full of hustle and bustle - glad you made the most of it. I did too.

  5. I love lazy Sundays too! "Little" Schindler has grown! Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden photos, an uplifting way to begin a hectic week! A big hug

  6. What a great post and a breath of fresh air for me!!! I love your day, Debbie. And I was thinking that Schindler looks to have grown quite a bit too! They look like good friends already!

  7. Lovely post and photos! Have a wonderful week Debbie!

  8. Is that Schindler?! Wow, he's grown. Lovely photos, too.

  9. My thoughts exactly, that dog is growing fast! Love all the flowers, Debbie. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  10. Your place is so restful. I think the dogs say so too!

  11. I'm back to a peaceful, relaxed state after reading your post and seeing your photos. What a beautiful, serene place to just be!

  12. Lazy Sunday afternoons are the best xx

  13. Lazy Sundays and lazy dogs - wonderful post, Debbie!!

  14. I love that white flower that reminds you of baby's breath! You have such a lovely part of the world to relax in Debbie!

  15. I can feel the warmth and the scent of newly cut grass and flowers on a lazy afternoon in the sunny country field . Two gorgeous dogs certainly enjoying it :-))

  16. Beautiful blossoms you have surrounding you. Lazy Sundays are so nice. Thanks for sharing yours.

  17. Hmm what a nice and relaxing post, Debbie!

  18. What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday! Lovely photos, Debbie. And is Schindler ever growing quickly!!
    Kathryn xx

  19. pretty, pretty pretty and homemade blackberry pie sounds perfect :) and i just always love the photos of your pups, they look so content.

  20. Love your photos Debbie... always trying to encourage the clover to grow as the bees love it so much. Blackberry pie... yummy!


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