Sunday, January 18, 2015

Missing His Tracks

I am missing His tracks.   For eleven wonderful years he kept his beside mine.

 He was the "Other Man In My Life".
My constant companion.  .

From the time he was six weeks old until the end his devotion for me never waned.

With certainty this type of dog only comes once in a life time.  What a blessing and a gift that for a short while he was mine.

Sleep well sweet boy.   I am so missing your tracks.  


  1. Oh Debbie, I am so sorry.I know the pain your feeling. Even though I have Max and Cooper who I love dearly I still miss my best friend Teddy. Once in a lifetime there is that special bond. Sarge will always be with you. I just know it in my heart.

  2. I am so sorry for the loss of your furry friend and hope you have many wonderful memories.

  3. Debbie, My heart breaks for you and for your precious dog. He was only eleven? I have lost 3 pets in the last 3 yrs.....2 in the last 18 months. I so feel your pain and I can sense HE was such a companion to you... Please let me know more if you can......You do have another Shepherd? I'm sure it will miss it's friend. prayers and hugs to you sweet friend~~~Roxie

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Debbie,
    My heart is heavy for you. Sarge was a beautiful companion.
    I am so sorry for your loss.

  6. I am so sorry Debbie, I know it's a great loss for you. Losing a friend is such a hard thing. I wish you well my friend, please take care! A big hug

  7. Oh, Debbie, my dear, dear Debbie, what sad news. You have had many emotional up and downs lately so I can only imagine how badly his one hurts. Poor Shelby will be missing him so much too.
    My prayers for you all...especially you, dear friend. A a warm hug and scratch for Shelby.

  8. My dear Debbie, I am so very sorry, and saddened for you at your loss. I wish I was closer to give you comfort. Big hugs for all of you XXXXX

  9. Debbie, I am deeply saddened at your loss. I can empathize. I am also an animal lover and have lost a few cats over the years and know it never gets easier. I still miss one cat that I had for 14 years and she died in 2002. Sending you a warm hug.

  10. Dear Debbie
    So sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful Sarge. He was a fine dog and I know you will miss him dreadfully. My thoughts are with you.

  11. Prayers and sympathies for the loss of your family member, Sarge
    I have enjoyed seeing his photos. I feel his tracks will always be beside you in spirit.

  12. A sad time for you Debbie, my son also said goodbye to his German shepherd best friend for 13 years only yesterday. Your treasured memories are yours forever xx

  13. Debbie I am so sorry for your loss.........

  14. Debbie, my prayers are with you both.

  15. Debbie, I am so sorry for your loss. Like many others here I also know the loss felt when a beloved animal friend moves on. It's been 10 years since mine left but I still have those moments when something she did comes back to mind and makes me smile or laugh when remembering. My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend.

  16. I am really sorry for your loss, Debbie. I always enjoyed seeing him. My prayers are with your family.

  17. Oh Debbie! It's so hard isn't it? It just never gets any easier. I know you miss your friend.

    Take care of yourself and know that I am thinking about you.


  18. I'm so sorry Debbie! I think we all can relate and I feel for your loss ...they are such a strong part of our lives and we miss them so much after they leave us!!!
    Thinking of you!!!!!

  19. oh Debbie, it brings tears to my eyes to read this, what a wonderful companion he was to you, and he will be missed so much. I will be thinking of you,
    Hugs, jenni

  20. Oh and i just thought of Shelby too and hope she is doing all right, thinking of you all

  21. My Dear Debbie , my thoughts are with you at this sad time, I know it's hard at the moment, but time is a great healer and you will always have the happy memories in your heart to look back on.

  22. I am so sorry to hear that :( It's so hard when they have to go but from now on he will run free forever.

  23. Oh Debbie, how sad for you to have lost such a special companion! I am sure that you were just as special for him. ((Hugs))

  24. Debbie - there are no words to ease the pain you are feeling. What is it about our German Shepherds that make them a part of us? Our Jade is eleven and having some serious health issues - maybe that's partly why tears are on my cheeks - but mostly - it's because I know that ache so well. Goodbye Sweet Sarge - give Shelby lots of hugs - she is grieving too.

  25. Oh Debbie, I am so sorry to hear this. I know from experience how devastating it is to lose a beloved companion. You're in my thoughts, dear friend.



  26. Terribly sorry for your loss Debbie. Sending you a huge hug!

  27. The loss of a beloved friend is such a hard road and I know you will be grieving.
    On silent paws, he'll walk with you. xx

  28. Oh I am so sorry for you Debbie, I know how deep a sorrow you feel from the loss of a dear friend like this . Sending you lots of hugs .

  29. I'm sorry...I'm praying for you.

  30. Even though Sarge is gone, he will live on in your heart. I know how you feel, and dread the day when my Stray is gone. Some really are special. They are our children

  31. Oh Debbie, I am so sorry to hear this. My heart aches for you.

  32. You were so blessed to have such a friend in your life.The leaving is such a hard thing. Keep remembering how he made you laugh, feel safe, feel adventurous and feel loved. He was your friend, but remember, you were his, too. He may be gone from your sight, but not from your heart.

  33. Debbie, I am very sorry for your loss..... my thoughts and prayers!

  34. Dear Debbie, No, I'm so sorry. He was blessed to have you and you him. I know he'll be waiting for you in Heaven. My tears and heart is with you. love and a big hug,Diana I know how you feel..

  35. Debbie--so sorry you have lost your doggy love. I have an elderly dog I love dearly, and know it will be so painful when she goes. I'm glad you had him in your life, though--and wish you healing from the pain of losing him. Consider yourself hugged.

  36. My once in a life time was named Mr Peter R Goodone. When he was brought to us he was approximately 18 months old. His deliverer called him Mister. We called him Pete. Over the next ten years he earned his name. He died 5.30.13. As with your guy, Petey was a wonderful guy who devoted his life to me. I cherish his memories and am thankful for all he gave. Thank you for sharing a picture of your other man.

  37. Oh Debbie, I am so sorry to hear about Sarge. Sorry too that I have only just now seen your post. I can only imagine what a terribly sad time you are going through.
    I am thinking of you all! Take care!

  38. Debbie so very sorry to hear about Sarge. Its so very,very hard when they leave us as they do stay by our side and love us so unconditionally. It sounds like he had a very special place in your heart . Sending hugs and sincere condolences ,

  39. Oh, Debbie, how did I miss this post last week? I'm so sorry for your loss. That's such a very hard thing. Dogs are the sweetest little companions, always by our side. I know you're missing him terribly. I'm so sorry.

  40. Deb, just was able to get back on... I just read about Sarge... What a beautiful companion , gorgeous and sweet. I am so so sorry . We will see them again, you know that..
    You were blessed to have him in your life.. I am partial to Shepherds as my daughters life always revolved around them.. and still does.
    Our hearts get broken when we lose our animal friends, no matter what else we have lost , it doesn't ease it at all.BJ

  41. Our furry friends leave so many footprints all over our hearts!



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