Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thank You!

We just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your thoughtful condolences.    Sarge was so loved by all of us.   He is certainly missed.

   In spite of the winter weather Shelby and I continue to take our daily walks.    The fields are painted white.  Gray skies cloud the view.   The bare tree branches  reach high seeking hope that the sun will shine again.

So it is with me.

My sweet mom has been  hospitalized for a broken back (sacroiliac).  Unable to walk or move she has been bed fast since January 1st.  We thought a week ago things were improving when they moved her to a rehab center.  Unfortunately there were complications and she had to return to the hospital.  

Some of you have personally emailed me and are praying for her.    Thank you.    Your prayers and thoughts are so appreciated.  For certain it is what changes the course of things.

 "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."  James 5:16b (NIV)

"Looking Up"

Bless each of you for taking time to visit and "look up".




  1. So sorry to hear about your mother's slip back to hospital. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers for healing. Take care.

  2. Prayers Mother will heal well.
    You've been in my thoughts. Shelby is magnificent, beautiful photo.

  3. Oh, you are having a tough start to the year. My thoughts are with you and your mom, Debbie. I'm glad you have Shelby to take walks with and that you can still look for the beauty in life during this hard time.

  4. Debbie, your mom (and you) are in my prayers. I'm happy you have Shelby to walk with you.

    Lots of blessings......


  5. Continuing prayers...and your photos are lovely, Debbie.

  6. Hoping mom returns to health, quickly. Keeping you all close in thought and prayer. xx

  7. So sorry to hear your mom has taken a turn for the worse - let's hope all gets back to normal soon. Your wintery pictures of Shelby are beautiful - how is he getting on without Sarge?

  8. I'm looking at the photo of your faithful companion Shelby giving you Strength which is such a help at sad times like this. I hope your dear Mum gets well soon. You are in my thoughts.

  9. What a difficult beginning to the year. I didn't know about your mom and I hope that ultimately, things will get better for her. Maybe just slow improvement bit by bit.

    Shelby looks right at home in that snow! I am going to stop complaining about the fog and dampness that we have had recently. Look at your snow!

    Take care of yourself and keep going. You can do it!


  10. Beautiful post. How considerate you are to take the time to keep us up to date.
    Shelby looks so athletic. Plentiful of exercise and a happy environment will help ease the loss for her too. Hope that your mother will stay on the path of improvement. Keeping the prayers going.

  11. Dear Debbie,
    You have had more than your share of heartache... I am so sorry to hear of your dear mother's condition... I will keep her in my prayers, along with you.

  12. I feel the weight of your unspoken words, Debbie. Our folks and their fragile health is a heavy burden to bear. I do hope your mom improves. You're all in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. Hugs to you, Debbie! I will pray for your mother's recovery. I know it is a hard time for you, but know that we are all here for you!!!

  14. I am sorry to hear about your mother. I hope and pray she will recover. It is so hard to see our parents become old and frail.

  15. I am sorry to hear about your mother, it sounds like you have had some difficult days. like Joan wrote know that we are all here for you and we are all thinking of you and praying for the best for your mom,s recovery.

  16. I'm happy you have the comfort of Shelby's good company. Take care and I will be looking up for you and your mom. Hugs

  17. Shelby is a beautiful dog and I bet stays closer than ever to you. I hope things improve with your Mum soon. Time for 2015 to lighten up for you Debbie

  18. Dear deb, sending you lots of hugs and wishing you lots of strength . xoxo

  19. A beautiful heartfelt post Debbie. Lovely photos of Shelby. Looking up for your mum and thinking of you all.

  20. Bless you, Debbie. Thank you for these wonderful photos of Sarge. Hugs to you and your mom. I hope she is doing much better!
    Kathryn XX

  21. I'm you...Look for a package from me soon.

  22. I'm so sorry about those bad news and I understand how you're feeling. We're living the same situation here with my mom. I'm praying for you too and hoping all will happen for the best. Take care, Hugs

  23. Bonjour ma chère amie,

    Un petit billet rempli de tristesse.
    Je comprends ce que vous pouvez ressentir avec la perte de votre très beau toutou. J'ai vécu plusieurs fois cette situation. Nos amis à quatre pattes ont une place dans notre vie qui n'est pas celle d'un animal mais d'un membre à part entière de la famille et lorsqu'ils partent au ciel ils laissent un grand vide.

    En ce qui concerne votre maman, je lui souhaite un prompt rétablissement.
    Aujourd'hui lorsque j'allumerai mes petites bougies, je penserai fort à vous.
    Prenez bien soin de vous...

    Gros bisous ♡ ☼ ♡

  24. Dear Debbie,
    Thank you so much for taking time to visit, and leaving such sweet words. What a good name you have suggested.. I don't know how I will choose one when he is finished.. Maybe then I will know..
    Jasper... Oh he did not have surgery, but in there for a few days for tests, and to keep perfectly still. It was his back again, and now has an enlarged liver. He seems to be improving at home now.. Very difficult to keep him still, especially when he is feeling better... But he ends up laying on my lap when I work.. So this is good..

  25. I love the photo of the snowy field. Looks like where I live, too. I admire you for getting out there and walking! Brrr! I hope your mom isn't feeling too much pain, that must be so difficult for her, and for you too. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you. I'm glad you have Shelby, she looks like a good companion.

  26. I am so sorry I missed this. Your dear doggy friend. My heart is with you, it always hurts so much to loose these wonderful family members. They win us over with their faithfulness, companionship and joyful love of life. They are irreplaceable and always remain in our memories of those we loved and lost.

  27. Hi again Debbie. I'm sad for all the rough times you've been going through lately. I will continue to pray and think good and healing thoughts for you and your family. Your beautiful Shelby will help you through this too. I love the last photo you posted of Shelby looking up and his and Sarge's toys lying on the ground. Brings a tear to my eye as animals are so innocent.

  28. Shelby's such a gorgeous girl. Best wishes and hope your mom feels better soon.

  29. Oh Debbie, I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I am very sorry to hear your sad news and the loss of your Sarge. I know the huge hole our dear furry loved ones make when they leave us.

    Sending you special hugs and prayers for consolation and comfort.


I love reading your comments. Thanks for leaving one.

Time for...

Vegetable Beef  soup, Red Headed Woodpecker watching the birds, Witten by John MacArthur and reading a good book that has me dreaming about ...