Sunday, January 11, 2015


Sometimes when things are reduced to black and white one can see values much better.   Colors often confuse the sense of how dark or light something appears.
Life can be the same.   One can get caught up in the business of living and become confused about what is valuable.  Perspective gets lost and so we fail to see what is important.  We miss golden opportunities to connect not only with our loved ones but the stranger on the street.

As this new year unfolds I am hoping to see those values more clearly.    Wishing the same for each of you my friends.   Please have a blessed week.

Hugs Debbie



  1. Debbie, this is very profound. You have expressed in a different way what I see as my goal this year - organizing my days and weeks, making time for what is important to me (my "value). Ultimately I'm hoping this will facilitate more painting time as well as home organization by the end of the year! Life seems to get more complicated and busier all the time; we do need to find our proper values!

  2. Yes indeed. Many artistic lessons can be applied to life - and then we'll live it for the better.
    Hugs to you xx

  3. I hope everything is alright in your world - I sense from your post that something is amiss. I try to keep my life in balance - an ongoing task that doesn't always work. For sure, not everything is black and white.

  4. The shortest and the most meaningful blog.
    Very true..... we miss golden opportunities to connect with the stranger on the street.

  5. A lovely WIP.

    Everyday is a new start with working on things and thank goodness for that!

  6. So true, my friend, and full of meaning. Hugs to you, dear Debbie, and happy Monday!

  7. Good thought and one we should all remember throughout the year.

  8. Bonjour chère amie,

    Une belle façon effectivement de remettre en question les valeurs avec le noir et blanc...
    Remettre les valeurs de la vie est une belle profondeur. Se mettre en question fait parfois beaucoup de bien.
    Merci pour votre gentil petit mot et à la pensée particulière concernant les victimes de l'attentat à Paris.
    Gros bisous ♡

  9. Hi Debbie, Yes, a true reminder of what should be important and meaningful in our everyday life......and I believe you are one of those people who make the world a better place to live~~~Blessings for a beautiful week~~~Roxie

  10. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this and for reminding all of us about the true meaning of life.

  11. You have a special way of teaching important lessons in a few, beautifully worded thoughts. Have a great week Debbie.

  12. Thank you Debbie, a great reminder and beautiful artwork to match!

  13. Your words are a gentle reminder to cherish the important things in life. Reducing things to black and white can be helpful in all areas. Have a wonderful week, Debbie!

  14. True words spoken with wisdom! A good life exercice as wllas artistic. Nice picture Debbie! Hope you have a real special week ! Hugs :)

  15. Hi Debbie, this is such a precious post. A lesson most of us need to be gently reminded of, and you accomplished that beautifully.

  16. True words dear Deb, we should stop and think more often . Even in black/white your watercolor stands out, beautiful and delicate.

  17. Indeed on all counts, Deb ...! Hugs!

  18. Absolutely true, Debbie. It's easy to be distracted by the abundance of life, and to forget or pass over what's most important.

  19. This is so true, Debbie, and very well said. I think our busy world today encourages multi-multi-tasking, and it's so easy to give every decision and every task the same high priority. When we can't rein ourselves in, at times, fate seems to do that for us and shows us what is truly important in our lives.

  20. Very well said, Debbie! I hope all is going well for you, and your family.

  21. I do like your painting, I thought it was a photograph until I looked closer.
    I hope you have some good plans for this year, to do what is important and worthwhile and has value to you.
    I picked a snowdrop, so looking forward to the spring flowers, my bulbs are all peeping through green shoots. It seems much to early but never less gives a nice feeling that spring is not so far away.
    Wishing you the best for 2015.x

  22. Your wisdom says you should be my age. LOL ! but thank goodness your not..

  23. A short yet powerful post, Debbie!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  24. i love your painting and I agree with what you wrote, sometimes i just love sketching in pencil, and my word for this year is 'simple' or simplicity so i can really find what is most important to me.

  25. Beautiful post Debbie and very well said. You're so right, sometimes we need to step back and focus on what is truly important. Take care dear friend ~ Diane

  26. A perfect, gentle "teaching" to remember the value in all things :)

  27. A lovely post dear Debbie. I have been thinking of you. Hugs! Bonnie

  28. A profound post Debbie and I love the way you've illustrated it!
    Take care!

  29. Well said and an excellent reminder to us all! thanks!

  30. I agree with you Debbie we must remember to hold on to our values.
    Your painting illustrates it so well.
    We always have a choice.

  31. Isn't it interesting how many important concepts there are to be learned from an artistic journey, and not all of them about creating art at all? Nice post.

  32. Such a beautiful post, Debbie.

    I love your's lovely and perfectly demonstrates your thoughts today.



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Time for...

Vegetable Beef  soup, Red Headed Woodpecker watching the birds, Witten by John MacArthur and reading a good book that has me dreaming about ...