Sunday, October 12, 2014

Not Quite!

The Neighbors
The peak is not quite here but almost.   We had our first killing frost of the season last evening. That should mean the hills will don their finest colors and give us a lovely show in the next few days.

                                                                          In the meantime we are preparing for autumn's glory.  

         Otis is looking pretty dapper from his long stay in the shed.   We have brought him out so he can enjoy this beautiful season.

    Naturally there are a few veggies needing to be harvested .  These beets will be delicious pickled.  

Couldn't resist picking some of the remaining annuals.   They will soon be gone.


Oh and yes we could not forget the fresh apple cider.   Yummy!

I think we are finally ready now.    Hope you are too.

Have a Blessed Week!

Hugs Debbie


  1. Oh Debbie, your surrounding are so beautiful! It sure looks like Autumn.
    Love Otis! He looks so relaxed.
    Wishing you a wonderful week!

  2. Lovely photos, Debbie!!! I have always loved Autumn. :)

  3. Lovely photos, Debbie! You are so lucky to have trees with those fabulous colors in Fall. And I LOVE your laid-back scarecrow!!!
    Kathryn XX

  4. You are truly blessed to be where you are. It's just beautiful.!

  5. Surrounded by beauty, much to be thankful for

  6. You live in such a beautiful area, Debbie, and Otis seems like he's appreciating the beauty, too...just leaning back and taking it all in.



  7. Still waiting here, No frost yet, thank goodness still enjoying the last of Geraniums in the window boxes, the hanging baskets are looking a bit scraggy, but still flowering, I hate to throw out plants still hanging in. Love Otis, he looks to friendly to be a scarecrow. Looking forward to seeing what you paint having such beautiful colours around you.

  8. A blessed week to you Debbie. Lovely photos. Those beets are worth painting.
    October to me brings back memories of apple butter stirring time.

  9. Somehow that peace that surpasses all understanding surrounds your posts. Oh to share in some of that. Beautiful photos, Debbie.

  10. Hello Debbie, yes it is getting frosty here too. Glad Otis is able to get some sunshine, because he is rather pale. We are enjoying autumn's colors. My brother and wife are here for a few days and we are going to hike on of the easier trails today to get some photos of the view. Wishing you a beautiful day.

  11. Here, instead it decided to still be summer, we even slept with a fan on! I can't wait to see the beautiful colors in your area and Otis looks like he could use some apple cider, while enjoying the outdoors. Enjoy your week Debbie!

  12. i just love fall so much, otis is adorable and i love the streetlamp next to him.
    Happy fall to you :)

  13. Autumn colors are just beginning here ... I just hope that the leaves don't fall off before I get to enjoy the colors!!! LOVE the photos!!

  14. You have frost and here it is still summer. It is hotter than ever. I wish I could love it but I long for rain and grey skies.

  15. Otis looks like he's really enjoying the position you gave him LOL , lovely photos of a beautiful country life . xx

  16. I think you are a bit ahead of us if you have frost. Lovely photos!!! Enjoy the changes and the signs of autumn.

  17. Enjoyed seeing Otis - the name itself makes me grin.
    Autumn has not really started here but the nights are getting cooler...51 tonight.
    Normal is 53.
    What you wrote to Sherry was very special. We are all lucky to have you grace our lives. Thanks and blessings, dear friend.

  18. I love that you see so much beauty all around you. What a special area you live in. Oh and Otis is soooo handsome. He is a work of art. xx

  19. Beautiful post dear one-and your art is always so wonderful-(previous post). I roasted all our beets and then froze them-boy are they yummy roasted in a little olive oil with sea salt sprinkled on top!

  20. here in florida it is still summer and everything is green green green, but your post brings back memories of up North. I always loved the excitement of the changing seasons. Otis is so cute! Beets look great; i would have no idea how to pickle them :) i buy mine already pickled, ha! But am going to try roasting them next time I buy fresh... happy fall!

  21. Hi Debbie! I just got back from a trip to visit my daughter and her family, and then we had a little 'girls weekend'. We were near a national park forest, and driving through that made me definitely ready for fall. What beautiful trees, so many yellows!
    It's raining a lot this morning, but I hope to get out and walk and see the trees in the neighborhood. This is my favorite time of year.
    Nice to meet you today :)

  22. Love those autumn colors. And Otis seems enjoying his life under the trees. So many beautiful blessings to enjoy. God bless and enjoy those colors.


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