Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The peak of autumn has arrived!   I knew it would ...just a matter of time.   Only a couple days after the hard frost and all the hills are bathed in beautiful colors.
Fall's foliage never ceases to capture my eye.   It is so lovely to view the  yellows, oranges and reds against the backdrop of a blue sky.

       Even on a partly cloudy day these vibrant hues seems to glow.

While waiting for some showers to pass got busy painting some more ACEO'S.  Have really enjoyed experimenting with these small pieces.  Even did a couple on some watercolor canvas (they are on the bottom left and center).  Most are mixed media...pen and ink, watercolor pencil, and watercolor.
Well hope everyone is enjoying the beauty of autumn this week.

 Have a wonderful evening - God Bless!


  1. Hi Debbie, your photos are gorgeous! And I never, ever get tired of looking at your art. Thank you so much for sharing, and for brightening my day.

  2. Very late fall here. Crisp mornings but leaves haven't turned. It will happen in a week then be gone. Looks beautiful there.

  3. Bonjour chère amie,

    Bien que je n'aime pas du tout l'automne je dois admettre qu'elle nous offre de beaux spectacles.
    Merci pour le partages de ces somptueux clichés.
    Je trouve merveilleux ces petites oeuvres qui créent un magnifique patchwork artistique.

    Gros bisous ☼

  4. Beautiful views and beautiful really know how to please your friends. Thank you, Debbie - I feel blessed.

  5. Oh Debbie, these photos are beautiful. I'm still waiting to see the change in foliage .
    And I love to see your work...Love the butterfly ... and what an amazing sunset...!

  6. Gorgeous views and lovely paintings, thank you for posting them!

    I'm blessed in that, by driving down the mountain, I can 'make' autumn last for nearly a month. At 7,000 feet above sea level it comes around the end of September-first of October and the trees slowly change color as the cold tempertures move down to the 1,200 foot level. Below that, there aren't really four seasons in California.



  7. Oh such beautiful autumn colours, your ACEO's are so colourful and varied too

  8. Stunning pictures Debbie -you have been busy painting too - (what are ACEO's)

  9. Your ACEO's are gorgeous Debbie! I love the texture you obtained with the watercolor canvas, I've never tried painting on that surface. The bird is exquisite and love the acorns!
    The autumn colors never disappoint and there are always the best sunsets in fall. I love your photos! It is an inspiration, I love taking in all the colors! Enjoy!

  10. ACEO's ???? Like Elaine I too would like to know what it means.
    It must have something to do with your lovely paintings, You've been busy while waiting for autumn. Such lovely colours & I'm sure.more to come in a week or two It's still not everywhere here, as we haven't had any frost yet.

  11. While your photos are just stunning, I have to say I am drooling over all the ACEOs! Gorgeous paintings, Debbie!

  12. Lovely scenery Debbie. What fun ACEOs you've painted. My faves are the acorns and oak leaf ones; but they are all wonderful.

  13. Oh just look at you..!!! Beautiful scenery, beautiful ACEO's.
    Don't stop now.

  14. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and lovely art! I get so jazzed by the rich war colors of fall - we are still awaiting here in southern Indiana!

  15. Beautiful photos of the Fall landscapes. Thank you, Debbie!

  16. Wonderful-isn't it a glorious time of the year??!! I also love your art-as always!

  17. I just love all your little paintings, wonderful. Fall is almost here in NC but not peak yet, i can't wait, your photos are lovely

  18. Oh what beautiful country you live in. I miss the color changes from Mn. as here its mostly green. But I did plant a lot of Japanese maples.
    Your ACEO's are fantastic. You are so talented. We are moving into the rainy season. I am already missing summer.

  19. HI Debbie! I've been away too long, but I did go back through your lovely posts and enjoyed your beautiful photos and paintings. I see that fall has arrived in the country and is turning those leaves to shades of orange and red! We have had nice weather the past few days, but now suddenly cool again. Some of our trees are completely bare! Your ACEO'S are just beautiful! Especially love that little bird! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! ~ Diane

  20. A fantastic sight with all the yellow and oranges, but I do love the cloudy sky too :-) There is such a sweetness to all your paintings, really love your subjects. , great work . Have a nice weekend. Hugs.

  21. What a lovely selection of paintings, and they look really impressive put together. Your autumn colours look like a quilt of colours. You are so lucky to live near so many beautiful trees. Have a great weekend xx

  22. So nice to see your countryside and the autumn colours. We have not had a frost yet, and still enjoying such some warm sunny days. I love your little paintings, really lovely, autumn brings so many different things to collect and draw. I know I have so many it is hard knowing what to choose.
    Admiring your sunset photograph, beautiful.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  23. No autumn yet here but maybe by mid-week it will arrive. Keeping my fingers crossed. I love the painting of the butterfly. It's beautiful.

  24. Oh how I love your fall!!! And your paintings!!! Delightful ---!!!!


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