Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Valuable Lesson!

These two shared a valuable lesson with me today.  Even though the calendar says spring we are still receiving snow.  Sarge and Shelby showed me that instead of moping around one needs to enjoy it.
Too often one can allow certain circumstances to steal the joy of the moment.   So glad my two friends did not.
Hope you too savored the day in spite of the weather.   Have a great week!  

 "The Lord has done it...let us rejoice today and be glad."  Psalm 118:24 (NIV)


  1. How lovely to have such a great insight illustrated by your beautiful dogs!

  2. How fun to see your precious doggies enjoying this beautiful day!! It was G*O*R*G*E*O*U*S! Maybe he/she was rolling around in it to make it go away?? Just a thought~~~Blessings~~~Roxie (a wonderful day at church today...our Spring Camp meeting started!)

  3. I savored the day * because* of the weather! It rained last night and everything sparkled every time the sun peeked out from behind the clouds. Darling photos of your darling dogs enjoying the patches of snow!

    Blessings, Victoria

  4. That is a great lesson learned from your fun-loving friends! :-)

  5. We had snow last weekend I think it was and I hadn't heard of anyone else getting any. It is starting to feel like spring just has no intention of making an appearance! I guess we hit 60 yesterday. A few more days like that and we might actually see those crocuses and leaf buds make an appearance. But mope about the weather? I only do that in the summer when it is so hot and humid that I feel just walking out the door is a chore. Glad your babies lifted your spirits and showed you the joy in the day!

  6. Oh this is adorable, my dog rolls around on the ground too and had a chance to roll in the snow too, we had a couple of snowstorms this year, we don't get much in NC. So glad your dogs are helping you appreciate the day, hopefully warmer temps. are coming your way though :)

  7. Hello Debbie, we are seeing patches of grass now too after two days of rain. I dare say if it had been a bit colder and it was two days of snow you wouldn't be able to see my house. It has been a banner year for snow here. The sun is out today and it is about 35 degrees....guess what, I'll take it. Your dogs sure look like they know how to enjoy their day. Blessings!

  8. What a pleasure to see one of your wonderful dogs enjoying a cool tummy rub courtesy of Mother Nature.
    Spring is definitely here but we have a cold snap coming on Thursday.
    Enjoy your week.

  9. Debbie, thanks for making me smile and reminding me of what's important! Our beloved pets often teach us lessons.
    Enjoy your week!

  10. Debbie, this is beautiful and so to you and your doggies, Diana

  11. We are having wonderful spring temperatures, nature is just exploding with no complaints here :-))

  12. Our spring will soon be over at this rate and I will soon start complaining about the heat and the drought :(

  13. Hi Deb ... I DO LOVE the snow -- but am glad it seems to be behind us ... of course mid-August I'll be wishing I was playing in it again ... Maybe I can look at these two happy fellows and recall just how cold it was!! lOL Hope spring gets there soon! Hugs!

  14. Hi, Sweet Debbie, thank u for sharing beautiful photos & wonderful quotes! I'm certain so many people have found comfort, happiness in your blog. Also, thank u for your warm cheers. @ the moment, i'm working on cover & reviewing all the pages done. Yes, really my dream is coming true, surrounded by wonderful people, of course, Debbie, you are one of them!!!! May God Bless you, too!!! xxx Sadami

  15. Glad your companions enjoyed the snow...great photos. We had about 4 inches of snow and it took everyone by surprise. Have a great week!

  16. You do seem to be having a long winter over there this year. Hope it is over soon for you. Loved your little warbler painting further down. We have a few over here but I can never tell which they are as their markings are very similar. Hopefully you will get all the summer visiting birds soon with the coming of warmer weather. Keep well till next time dear Debbie. xx

  17. So glad to see them having some fun! THis has been a brutal winter!

  18. Love those life lessons from the animals! Stay warm!

  19. I adore your dogs. They look at life correctly. I think I shall go roll down my hill. Ha!


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