Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Busy Painting

Dear friends I am busy painting.  Unfortunately not artsy things.
There are ceilings, walls, closet interiors that have been clamoring for a coat of paint.  

May be away for a few days taking care of spring projects and such.    In the meantime all of you have a great week!

See ya soon!


  1. ohhhhh, THAT kind of painting... Well, it's a lot of work, know it will be beautiful when finished... Be careful if on a ladder.. ( This is what I tell myself also)

    I do love that painting at the top of the post. Beautiful!

  2. It is always wonderful to do a good spring cleaning, with everything feeling fresh and sparkly after. Enjoy your week too.

  3. I like to have the inside of the closets white because it keeps out spiders and makes it easier to see things inside. Take care!

  4. We repainted last summer, it is a big job but satisfying after. I need to do some house cleaning projects myself. It's a great time of year for that! Best wishes!

  5. Good for you. Will all be worth while. Hope the week flies and you are back painting arty pics soon.

  6. It will be wonderful, but it's a big JOB. We will miss you but looking forward to seeing the walls!! love to you,Diana

  7. Sadly we have to all do those domestic chores once in a while. I procrastinate but eventually stop and do them too. See you soon.

  8. Boring but it has to be done.

  9. Good luck with the house painting Debbie. I love the flowers and butterfly - very pretty!

  10. I always make up my mind to find enjoyment in any job like that. Admire the clean edge of the trim brush. The patterns you can make with the roller - catch the color differences of the wall in shadow to the ones in light. It makes it easier to do a great job.
    Your flower painting with the butterfly is lovely and the warbler caught my heart. Spring and baby birds being taught how to fly is so special to me.
    Thank you for looking up.

  11. Oh , a tiresome but awfully satisfying job ! You left us a lovely painting to admire, really sweet and beautifully painted !

  12. I've never been so happy to see the backside of paint and paint brushes. We just finished two days ago doing the same thing and it sure did add a breath of fresh air to the place. I confess that the heart is willing to help, but the head? Not so much! LOL Love your painting you shared, as I always do. Hopefully you will not be gone too long! I would miss you terribly!

  13. I have that to look forward to. I have to paint the walls that are plaster, hand painting around each and every log that abut the plaster walls. Maybe if I attached paint brushes to the puppies tails.....ahhhh not a good idea.

  14. And what beauty you are capturing Deb! Winter still stuck here in temps -- though the Bradford pears are performing as though the thermostat is set much higher than it is. I love your paintings -- ! So joyous!!! Hugs!

  15. Haha! Well, we all have to do that kind of painting at one time or another! Have a pleasant weekend....with a bit of warmth I hope! Love your photo header... gorgeous!

  16. I detest that sort of painting, but it has to be done from time to time, doesn't it? I hope it goes fast for you...and I love your painting of the flowers and butterfly, so beautiful.

  17. Debbie, hubby and I started our Florida room today. Took out all the old screens and everything needs prepping and painting and some rotten wood replaced, and then new screens put back up. No fine art painting for me for a while, either! Have fun. God Bless.....

  18. I was just looking at my closet off the livingroom thinking " I really need to paint that!" So I think tomorrow I'll be painting too!


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