Thursday, April 3, 2014


Dear friends if you have moment would you  look up for Sarge.   I would be so grateful.  He has hip dysplasia and is struggling.   Had him to the vet yesterday afternoon (emergency) could not walk.   They gave him pain medication.  Saturday he will begin taking arthritis medicine...praying it works.

As so many of you know he is the "other Man" in my life.   He will be eleven in the fall.    Just not ready to let him go.

Thank you for letting me share this request.   Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.     God Bless!


  1. I will be keeping you and Sarge in my heart and thoughts, Debbie. It's so tough when they're facing this as there just aren't any great solutions. Hoping the medicines will work for him. Hugs to you all.

  2. Oh Debbie, I know how you feel. I will keep healing thoughts in my heart as well for Sarge and for all of you. Hugs to all.

  3. Hope the treatment works! My heart breaks when animals suffer.

  4. It is so sad when pets develop problems. Our hearts break for them. I hope the treatment improves things for you. Hugs to all of you...Sarge included.

  5. Good thoughts and prayers for Sarge and you Debbie, during this difficult time.

  6. Hope Deb the treatment works. My sons German Shepherd is 13 and has similar issues, the drugs did help

  7. Prayers and healing thoughts for sweet Sarge .

  8. My own thoughts and prayers are with you and Sarge. So difficult when a pet becomes ill.

  9. Prayers for his healing and comfort as well as for you and yours

  10. Definitely thinking of you and Sarge. I have a 15-year-old Jack Russell Terrier, and she's an integral part of our lives. I know you're probably exploring all avenues to make him more comfortable, and if you haven't already tried this, you might want to give a joint supplement like Cosequin a try (see what your vet says). Our dog used to limp quite often, and since she's been taking this, she no longer does.

  11. Debbie - you're in my prayers. I know our pets truly are beloved family members and seeing anyone suffer is heartbreaking. Hugs to you both.

  12. wow-would you believe your dogs have been on my mind lately? I've been missing my girl so much too, and I don't know just why, but you and your doggies were on my heart so much. Been wanting to email you, and have been rushed and preoccupied with health issues-life, etc. I will definitely pray...

  13. Oh dear, Debbie. Sarge is definitely in my prayers. We have a Bloodhound who also struggles with his back end. We don't know if it hip dysplasia or simple old age. He was a rescue and we didn't know his age but he is showing it and seems to be hurting. He also vomits a couple of times a week, which cannot be good. Other than getting up and sitting down, he doesn't seem to be in pain though...

    My prayers are that the medication helps to relieve Sarge's symptoms and that you have more years with him. Sending you both hugs from IL.

  14. Deb, you know it goes without saying I will be praying for Sarge.. This is one of the downsides of German Shepherds .. My daughter has raised 4 of them and 3 had this problem.. I know how much Sarge means to you and if not recovery at least some relief. Your vet will know what to do .. I'm so sorry for him..
    But sometimes God hears us, so lets hope so..

  15. I'm so so sorry to read this Debbie, I will be praying for him to be well and to help you through this, our pets are always so special to us and I know this is so hard on you.

  16. My prayers are with you and Sarge. I hope the medication will bring him some comfort. Many hugs to you!

  17. I send all my best wishes for Sarge, really hope he will be well soon again ! So sorry to hear this, know how it feels when a dear pet isn't well.

  18. My prayers are with you & Sarge, I hope the medication works for him.

  19. Aww, I'm sorry about Sarge, and hope he is improved.

  20. What sad news about your precious friend! I'm sorry to hear this Debbie, I hope he gets better soon. A big hug

  21. Sarge has been prayed for and will be included daily. Prayers also said for God to work through the vets hands and heart while helping dear Sarge.

  22. aw poor Sarge, bless him, our little collie has bad days sometimes, she's 14, so I know where your coming from. He's a lucky one 'cos he has a gentle person to love him, gentle hugs :-)

  23. Sorry to hear about Sarge Debbie. Hope he is better soon. xx

  24. I'll be praying for him and you and your family. so hope he is feeling much better soon. hugs to,Diana

  25. Sorry I didn't see this until now. Hope Sarge is continuing to feel better.


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