Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lost and Found!

She was lost but today she found me.    It was while feeding the birds that she suddenly showed up.   She had been missing for quite some time or so it seemed.  

When I looked there she was moving beside me.    Upon seeing her I realized others were finding  returns too.

These weeds found theirs...

One of my friends looks like she found hers.

Even though it had been 11 degrees below zero this morning by afternoon the sun brought us up to 16 !    Do you think that may have been why our shadow friends decided to come home?   So glad they did.    Hope yours are found too!
                       Have a wonderful evening and God Bless!


  1. Fun post! Claire and I would always look for our shadows when walking her to school. Glad they've returned!!

  2. Deb , glad you found yourself !! Thanks for the visit and your words
    hugs , stay warm ...

  3. Thanks for the memories, Debbie! I haven't thought of my shadow in a long time! Maybe it's because we've had a lot of gray skies this winter! Like Wendy, what a Fun Post! Hope you are staying warm and enjoy these sunshiny days! Blessings~~~Roxie

  4. What an inspiring post, dear Debbie! It is still pretty cold here in Montreal but it is supposed to get warmer tomorrow and over the weekend.

  5. I'm happy for you that you have sun to bring back shadows to brighten your daily life. We still have grey skies and rain everyday. Unfortunately my little bit of early spring didn't last for very long. and now we have snow forecast, My garden is very muddy at the moment, although I've seen signs of little green tips from the bulbs peeping up through the very wet ground, so at least they haven't rotted. I'm looking forward to then bloom.

  6. Made me smile on this dull cold morning

  7. How wonderful that get out and about in the snow! I love the winter but it tends to be from the standpoint of indoors looking out! LOL I avoid looking at anything that makes me see myself, even in shadow!

  8. Wonderful long shadows in these photos! Looks like we have sunshine again today. Enjoy!

  9. delightful, stay warm dear friend, love,Diana

  10. Cheery post to smile by. Thankyou
    Its fun trying to get your shadow out of frame...I keep keeps moving.

  11. Nope. Haven't found mine yet. Still looking!

  12. I love shadow pictures, so glad you are getting some sunshine. We did have a little bit of snow here in NC, but it's not lasting long.So happy to see your making the most of your winter days.
    Stay warm :)

  13. Lucky you to have some sun , we are having a mix of rain and snow , so no...I'm still waiting for mine :-) Sweet post :-))

  14. Big smile seeing you found yourself....I fear that I would break my shadow if i stepped on is really cold.

  15. "I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me. What can be the use of him is more than I can see..." Shadows mean sun and sun means warmth (sooner or later). Nice winter photos that make me happy I live where it is warm, usually.

  16. Great images Debbie! Yes... we get excited when the sun is out and today even at 10 degrees it almost felt warm!

  17. So glad the story ends well Debbie and what an incredible sense of humour you have! Have a great weekend with whatever you have your mind set on! xx

  18. Enjoy your 'warmer' weather and have a wonderful weekend.

  19. Great shadow shots! Stay warm :-)

  20. I'm so happy you got to enjoy the sun and slightly warmer weather... a big hug to you!

  21. Oh, wonder she was missing. I'd hide away from 16 degrees (let alone 11 below!), too. Hope you and your shadow are staying warm together!


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