Sunday, February 2, 2014


This first weekend of February was one of celebrations.   Both were milestone birthdays.

Hubby's sister turned 65 and my Dad 80.
In honor of these two special people there were surprise parties given.

There is such joy to see the look in someone's eye when they realize that friends and loved ones have gathered to say you matter.  You are important.  We are celebrating your life.

 Birthdays are wonderful times to celebrate.    Other occasions are lovely anniversaries...retirement...moving into a new home...a great job offer or promotion.    All are worthy of recognition.

Time's way is not slow.   It rushes quickly by.   Maybe we don't need to wait to celebrate only those milestone moments .   Wouldn't it be nice if everyday we told someone they are important...I am glad you are my really matter to me.  

 Let's just celebrate because we have this day!

 God bless each and every one of you because You are important and you matter to me!


  1. Happy birthdays!! And yes, we should celebrate every wonderful God-given day! Trust you are doing super, my friend :)

  2. My feelings exactly, Debbie.... Life is short... Everyday should be a celebration of life and joy...
    Thank you for the beautiful post!

  3. Happy birthdays!!! Life is very precious and so short. Living in the moment is the best thing, as yesterday is past and we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Today, this moment, is a present. Your photos are lovely, Debbie!

  4. Sounds like you enjoyed the celebrations for family birthdays. My Mr France is always telling me we don't need a special day to celebrate, Everyday is special. It's what we do or say that can make it special.

  5. I love coming to your blog Debbie, always an uplifting, positive experience! Many blessings to you and best wishes for the special birthday people, a lot to celebrate!

  6. And you do matter to me, Debbie. I agree with Celia. So glad you both were able to get out and be with family this weekend. So happy to know everyone had a good time and the parties were full of love!

  7. Happy Birthday Guyz!
    You are all important.

  8. Love the sentiment in your post. Why wait to tell people that they are special? We should tell them every day. Thanks, Debbie, for being special to all of us!

  9. What a sweet post! I agree, there's something special to celebrate each and everyday. . We celebrated my mom's birthday a few weeks ago, 96 years old and it was a plendid occasion for the whole family to celebrate. Since then, we call each other more often. Time flies! I'm very happy you feel the same way Debbie. A big hug

  10. What a joy it was to see you had come for a visit.. So happy you enjoyed. Thank you so much for thinking of me and leaving such a sweet note.

  11. Thank you Debbie. Internet friends are a special cause for celebration. Wishing you a wonderful week.

  12. Dear Debbie. I agree with you not to postpone . Life is now and celebrations for our dear ones a joy . Happy birthday to your father and and hubby's sister. xx

  13. What nice reasons to celebrate. I hope you had a wonderful day.

  14. I agree, Debbie, we should celebrate every day just because we're here! After all...we never know how many more days we will have. Bless you, too, my friend.



  15. Why thank you Debbie, and ditto to you. Good advice to one and all.

  16. All that snow!!! Gorgeous captures,..... and I'm still hoping for just a bit more before spring comes ... sending hugs your way!

  17. Absolutely, Debbie. The more celebrations, the better. We celebrate our pets' birthdays around here, in addition to the peoples'!

  18. Yes we do need to celebrate each day and be grateful, thank you for the reminder :) Happy birthday to your dad. Thank you for your wonderful posts.
    Looks like your having fun in the snow :)

  19. I always love hearing from you and this post is wonderful too. Yes everyday should be a celebration and I am very thankful for your friendship. Hugs, Sharon

  20. What a blessing to have your wonderful blog to remind us of the importance of so many things. I love this post and although I do tell the ones I love how important they are to me - I should try to do it more often with my more casual friends. They do help make my life more enjoyable .

  21. I agree...each day is like a birthday and boy does time fly at 65....


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