Sunday, January 26, 2014

Winter's Sojourn

I am making the most of winter's sojourn.

Enjoying some warm chili and

a loaf of homemade bread.

Painting and sketching...

and visiting with all of you dear friends!

Have a blessed day.

"Be very careful then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity..."
Ephesians 5:15-16 (NIV).


  1. You only wrote one or two lines, but it was perfect today! "Making the most of winter's sojourn..." I have been feeling cooped up and cold for the past week, and very tired of snow and winter in general. But you've reminded me that there are special moments to be had as well. I like that you drew your cat today, it's a sweet pose and has a very peaceful soothing feel to the drawing. I think I'll follow your example for the rest of the day!

  2. I just made chili too!, love it on cold winter days! Such a pretty painting of your cat. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  3. What a wonderful word in Ephesians 5 you have given! I needed to hear that.....I have always learned to be content in everything (as the Bible says) but this winter a little antsy! The Lord knows just what we need~~~Blessings to you and that homemade bread and chili hits the spot! Roxie

  4. You always find something positive about your day and make us smile at your enjoyment of life. Have a wonderful evening!

  5. Your sketch is so sweet, Debbie, I love it. Chili and homemade bread? Perfect comfort food on a chilly day!

  6. Looks like your Cat is happy too!. We are in for another scorcher of a week. Salads for us!

  7. Debbie, I love your sketch and the photos. I just realized, thanks to your lovely post, that the reason I'm feeling so disoriented right now is because I'm not getting the normal quiet time that I treasure in the winter, along with not doing all the things I normally do in winter...baking, making huge pots of soup, etc. This winter is the strangest I can remember, I just heard on the news that it's supposed to get much colder in the center and eastern part of the, and your fur babies, stay safe and warm!



  8. A most wonderful way to spend winter days , nice drawing of a sleepy cat :-) Stay warm . xx

  9. I strive to live each day as you do, Debbie. Looks like you are indeed enjoying winter's sojourn. One of my favorite times of year...

  10. Beautiful post Debbie, the only thing is I am upset I can't have some of your chili and bread! :-(
    Great sketch and have a great week!

  11. I'm trying to stay positive about the weather-it is very pretty, and it will make spring that much more welcome. Love to you....

  12. Sojourn is a wonderful word for winter.

  13. Hi Debbie! It must smell so good in your kitchen! Wish I was there to taste your bread and look through your sketches. :)

  14. lovely views, super sketching, wholesome food and a sweet friend to keep you company, what a cheeky thing sitting pretty there on top of the microwave, hee hee , thanks, enjoyed my visit :-D

  15. You've got the right idea. Every single day is precious

  16. You have been spending your time at home well...I can almost smell your chili cooking . I have been doodling also...what do people do that can not sketch or doodle?

  17. That winter photo is so peaceful looking, is that where you live, its beautiful. Fresh baked bread is the best and smells wonderful.Thank you for sharing all your sketches with us too, they look great. It definitely looks like you are making the most of this cold winter.
    Stay warm and have a great week,

  18. Wonderful sketch of your kitty. And now I feel the need to drag out my bread machine!

  19. Ahh Debbie... Your past few posts are full of adorable cats and birds . How lovely. Lots of cold weather too. Hope you are keeping warm. Love all your sketches and paintings. Your new book with the nest looks wonderful too. Lots to keep you busy during the cold days. Take care. xx

  20. Your winter sojourn looks so cozy! I'm cooking sloppy joes in our slow cooker today, and I need to encourage my husband to pull out the bread machine--he uses it more than I do, and there are few things more delicious than homemade bread.


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