Sunday, November 17, 2013

Preparing for Winter

Look who was uncovered yesterday while preparing for winter.    She was cozily building a lovely nest beneath my overturned wheelbarrow.

Naturally I gently restored her to her warm nesting place.  The wheelbarrow can  
provide this sweet one with shelter when winter makes it's visit.   For certain I will sleep better knowing she is protected from the cold.

Besides who can resist something this sweet!

Doing just a few final fall sketches in my journal.   This weekend put most of the remaining leaves down.  Perhaps now we can finish up raking what has held on til the end of the season.

Praying everyone keeps safe as tornadoes and high winds make their way over the mid west today and tonight.   Take care my friends!

God Bless.    


  1. Hi Debbie, I definitely can't resist something this sweet. I love it! :)

  2. Hi Debbie,
    We had a little field mouse scoot across our farm house floor as bold as can be while we watched TV and the dogs all looked at each other then us , it was a bit comical . Of course we didn't want him to live here so we humanely caught him the next day when he was helping himself to seeds in our parrots cage ( much to our parrots displeasure lol) and we then brought him out to the field

  3. I see the mouse and think of Beatrix Potter. We occasionally have field mice at the bird feeders. It bothers my husband more than it bothers me. I can't think of something hungry or cold. So sweet.

  4. Aw, adorable mouse. I hope you added hay, a piece of fleece, plastic covering, and oh, a water dish. lol

    Praying for safety from the horrible storms.

  5. Hope all is OK Debbie, we had our first really hot day today, always a bit of a shock

  6. Eek! I mean, aww...eek! Better under the wheelbarrow than in the house though.

  7. Super pages and work, Deb ... and you are so kind to help out the wee mouse -- could be the start of a children's story!!! Stay safe in this wild weather!

  8. What a sweet little creature indeed! The photo is beautiful. So is your art-as always...Love, Debra

  9. That is a cute little mouse, glad your making sure she's safe, and I love your fall sketches, don't you just love painting the colors of the fall leaves:)
    Enjoy your week,

  10. What cute little creature. Glad she has found shelter from the cold.

  11. Lovely sketches of the autumn colors!!! I am lucky to still be able to find some colorful leaves on the trees. With all our wind lately you would think they would all be gone. Nice that this little creature has found a cozy spot to keep warm…as long as it isn't in the house. lol Enjoy the day!

  12. Dear Debb. Your sketches are warm with lovely autumn colors , so pretty ! Terrible storms in the mid west , so sorry for those people who lost everything to the wind .

  13. So glad you've let the little one continue building her nest, Enjoyed my visit... I realize it's been ages since I've been to see you. I just don't get around to all my blogging friends as much as I used.

    Thanks so much for stopping at my place!

    Warmest wishes..

  14. What a dear little creature the precious mouse is! I'm so happy you let her have her nesting spot, the earth would benefit a lot if there were more people like you, Debbie. I love your painting of the leaves and am joining you in praying for those in the path of tornadoes.



  15. You are sweet Debbie to have helped this little creature. I always enjoy seeing your sketches,beautiful heavy paper you are using too! I'm happy to know you are well!

  16. These last couple of days were pretty hectic here also with the strong winds? Glad it's over. Lovely sketches Debbie . Take care.

  17. You are so kind letting the little mouse remain. :) Love your sketches... the leaves are beautiful!


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