Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Favorite Pen

One of my favorite pens that I use when I do sketches is the Micron.   Many artists successfully use technical pens but I have found them to be a challenge.  They seem to clog easy and it is important to clean them after each use.   With the Microns they come in several nib sizes in Black or Sepia ink.  Very versatile for sketching anywhere.   The smallest nib .005 will give a very delicate touch and .08 will render a heavier line for a bolder look.  

In the evenings I enjoy sitting down with a small sketch book and just doodling with whatever catches my fancy.   Sometimes I draw from my imagination, other times from a photo.   Most always though I use one of these pens to work out ideas or to write a few notes on a page.

Hope you will share your favorite sketching tool.  

Have a blessed day!  


  1. Oh how I love those micron pens! They have a wonderful shade of brown which is perfect, but I usually use the black 005. Like you, I've never been able to get the hang of mechanical pens. PS. I don't think I got your email. i will look again.

  2. This is exactly what I hope I can manage to do with the artist's journal. You are so amazingly talented, Deb. I WISH I could draw half as well.

  3. Oh Debbie what a joy to catch up with seeing your lovely autumnal sketches this morning. We both obviously have a deep love for the colours and nature of the season. Keep enjoying it whilst it lasts. Take care. xx

  4. Lovely sketches Debbie. I used a micron pen on my first small watercolors. Makes it interesting when you can't erase. :)

  5. Thank you for the recommendation. Beautiful sketches.
    I use a pencil. I'll give Micron a try.
    And I agree with the technical pens that clog easily. I have a collection I stopped using years ago.

  6. Lovely, Lovely , Lovely I really like those ink drawings.
    I just recently started using a micron and love it, I also like to use faber-castell and pencils.
    Thanks for sharing

  7. Fabulous sketches. I too love Micron pens.

  8. Love your sketches. I use micron pens too.Love them. Thanks for your blog visit. I always try to keep my blog cheerful and happy. But life has really thrown me as of late. We returned to the vet yesterday as I knew something wasn't right. They did blood tests and sadly they were not good. There is nothing more they can do. Teddy is in no pain but is failing. We have a little more time with him and will treasure every moment. It is hard losing your best friend.

  9. Thanks so much for stopping to comment on my blog. I'm glad to be introduced to your delightful blog!
    My favorite sketching tools are TomBow pencils and markers(water soluble) and Sharpies (permanent). I really love the gray fine point Sharpie for quick sketches.

  10. I'm so glad that bloggers share the tools they use for sketching, . I wanted to sketch in ink but couldn't get the hang of it. I managed to get more ink on my fingers which then made smudges on the paper. and then I found out all you sketchers and journal writers use Micron pens, which helped me to achieve the look I wanted. I'm still learning so try with sepia & grey loving using them. Love your new sketch in your journal with your micron pens. I learn so much from you & some of your lovely followers.

  11. I am going to look for these. I am always looking for good sketching tools. I tend to use pencils though. I hope you are having a good week. Hugs! Bonnie

  12. I have a black micron pen, would love a sepia one. Haven't sketched in ages, need to get back to that again after the Holidays! That flower is gorgeous! Take care Friend!

  13. I would if I had one :) I'm not much of a sketcher.

  14. You have a beautiful hand at sketching , and it is so nice to sit down and do some....but I do it too rarely , therefore there is no favorite sketching tool :-(

  15. Beautiful, Debbie! You have a great talent. Sketching and painting have never been my talents, but I appreciate and enjoy beautiful art when I see it. Thank you so much for sharing.

  16. I use micron pens a lot too. I love the sepia ones and wish they sold them in the 0.05 tip. I like that one the best. These are nice sketches…especially the one of the tree. Have a great evening.

  17. Your sketches are always a delight ,Debbie. I enlarge them and take my time to explore and enjoy.
    I do use micron pens because I fine that fine line can be so perfect but I am another (like Barbara above) who likes the TomBow markers. You can make nice washes with them. An artist who uses them to a wonderful degree is
    I have really taken to the graphite aquarelle pencils and the many subtle effects I can produce with them.

  18. Like Julie, I always enlarge your sketches, you work beautifully! Enjoy your weekend!

  19. Well, it's your talent that really produces those lovely sketches! I just grab whatever's on hand, and that includes Holiday inn pens and the kids' Crayola pencils lol

  20. can see you love sketching ...good to see so many sketches and watercolours in your posts debbie .

  21. I use the Micron as well, but in truth, I seem to fall in and out of love with them on a regular basis. I have an old fountain pen I've been using lately that really gives me (whether I want it or not) a lot of variety in the line and I'm finding that I like it. It's fun to experiment and to see what works well for others. Looking at your work, I'd say the Micron is a very good tool for you!

  22. nice pens yes, and you put 'em to good use I can see :D

  23. Yes, I love that pen too! And what a beautiful flower. Thanks for your comments. I always appreciate them!

  24. I love the Sakura Pigma Micron pens. I also use colored pencils, graphite pencils...pretty much what's closest to hand when inspiration strikes. Love your sketches, especially the flower.



  25. Never seen those pens. Your sketches are lovely and the cheerful summery flower too. Have a great weekend.

  26. I still have to try micron pens. But I do sketch some time and use charcoal pencils. Nice sketches Debbie. God bless


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