Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Taking some time to pray for all those who are suffering in South East Asia.    Hope you will find a moment and join me.  

Thank you and God Bless!  



  1. Most definitely, Debbie! Thank you!

  2. So much devastation Debbie, prayers and more needed for sure

  3. The people and animals affected by this terrible typhoon have been in my prayers since I first heard about it. Donations to organizations like Doctors Without Borders and Humane Society International (a branch of the Humane Society of the United States) or other organizations will also help.



  4. praying for them.....where two or more agree in my name......Lord, we agree, even in the midst of this devastation, your mercy and healing will set these people free.......let them find you in their time of sorrows and know you are God! Heal their people...Heal their land....we know something good will come out of this because you are a soveriegn and merciful God. Blessings to you, Debbie. Roxie

  5. Thank you for your constant intercessory prayers, Debbie. They mean so very much and not just to me.

  6. Good morning Debbie, morning prayers are always my best way to start the day. I also did a lot of praying on the planes I had to take while on vacation (all 5 of those planes needed specific prayers). So glad to be home and back on solid ground. :)

  7. Amen - so sad, such suffering, I'm so thankful for all my good fortune, even on bad days. My thoughts are with these poor desperate folk...

  8. My heart goes out to all of those who are suffering from the effects of the storm. My prayers are with them.

    Have a beautiful day!

  9. It's so sad seeing the devastation over there, it's so horrible when something like this happens, they definitely need our prayers

  10. I will join you Debbie...such an immense tragedy.

  11. These tragedies always remind me what is important. Keeping those known and unknown who are suffering loss in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Bonnie

  12. Thanks for this post.

  13. Hi, Debbie, your wonderful art work and lovely and caring posts will help anyone struggling and suffering. I certainly pray. You, too, take care.
    Best wishes, Sadami

  14. Such devastation, I am with them in prayer.

  15. Yes, I agree, so sad. I pray they soon find the comfort they need.

  16. The energy created by universal prayers must be an amZing power. And definitely needed here.
    Puts into perspective how fortunate myself and my loved ones really are.
    Always a comfort and inspiration to visit your blog, Debbie. Thanks for being here.

  17. I love how you integrate your lie, your art, your food, your family, your beautiful dogs! I will be happing dropping in on this blog! Cheers! I found you from Crimson Leaves (Sherry)!


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