Sunday, November 24, 2013


Today I found some lovely blessings.

                     A skiff of snow
                              under a blue sky...


A couple of friends waiting to play...

 and time to look up!

Hope you found wonderful blessings too!   Have a great week.


  1. how beautiful Debbie, I love your peacefullness, dear friend. love and hugs, Diana

  2. The first photo is just needs to be painted. Blessings to you too.

  3. I love these . I am enjoying simple blessings lately ~ and often they are the most rewarding.

  4. Debbie, thank you so much for sharing these beautiful blessings! Sending you a warm hug from a very cold and windy Montreal.

  5. An important reminder to count your blessing! With much affection, I wish you a great week!

  6. Morning Debbie, Yes, I have found and received wonderful Blessings!! Your pictures are so peaceful....they speak for themselves! Have a Blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving.....and give your doggies a big hug for me! Roxie

  7. Beautiful photos-the snow is nice for a change-it was so pretty coming down so fast this weekend-but-so glad I didn't have to drive in it! Stay warm and safe dear one, and have a lovely Thanksgiving. PS- I'm you, Debra

  8. At this time of year it is fun to count your blessings. Love the photos! Have a wonderful day!

  9. Snow already? Keep warm and have a lovely week.

  10. We had some of that snow too and it's too cold to make it go away. Looks like winter is officially here. Hot chocolate here I come.

  11. Wishing you a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving.

  12. I can feel the chill in these lovely photos ! Yes, winter has definitely come early this year here too, guess all we can do is to try and stay warm :-) xox

  13. Always a pleasure to visit your lovely images and words. You have the nicest comments too..
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. If we live in America we have so much to be grateful for. (Warts and all!)

  14. You have some wonderful blessings, thanks for sharing them with us! Thanksgiving is such a special time to reflect on the previous year and I will be counting my blessings on that day.


I love reading your comments. Thanks for leaving one.


 Is it possible this may be winter's last hurrah? If so it certainly was lovely. It began snowing yesterday afternoon and into the overn...