The little historical town of Hanoverton is about 20 minutes away from our home. Dick and I took the motorcycle out this afternoon and rode over that way.
We enjoy visiting this charming place. There are several homes from the 1800's that have been renovated as well as the famous Spread Eagle Tavern.
The tavern has delicious cuisine and also rooms available if one would like to spend the night.
Artist Don Getz has three paintings hanging in the main dining room. One is a large piece that depicts the town's canal history and how it would have looked during that era. Down below is a bar and also a tunnel where run away slaves found protection on their way north.
Every room has a fire place and when the weather gets chilly they keep a wood fire going. There are rumors that one of the bedrooms may be haunted. Since I have never stayed overnight I am not certain there is any truth to this tale.
The above picture portrays the front of the Tavern and the picture below is of the back entrance to the restaurant.
Plymouth Street also has a lovely old Presbyterian Church that is only a block down from the Spread Eagle.
So glad you came along. Hope you enjoyed the visit! May God Bless You.