Saturday, December 9, 2023

A Story

 I would like to share a story with you.  In my previous post I had mentioned the book of " Miracles and the Unexplainable".  If you read through this book of 101 wonderful stories you may find yourself reminded of a time when something happened likewise to you. 

Today want to tell you one of mine.  In fact it was just recent.

It begins with November 67th birthday.

Kelsey and I were out for our usual walk.  The day was brisk - a cold front was blowing in.  Feeling a bit blue and missing my mom (she always would call me and sing Happy Birthday).  This was the third year since I last heard her voice or had received a special package wrapped from her loving hand.  Mom always spent as much time finding the perfect wrapping paper and bows as she did shopping for a lovely gift.  She had a way of making a present look so beautiful.

Walking along I asked the Lord if perhaps He would send me a sign from her to let me know all was well.  Didn't think about it again and the week moved on.

The following Saturday ran over to the family farm where my brother and sister (in-law) live.  Had picked up a Christmas Cactus for my nephew and wanted him to have it.  They were seeing him later that evening.

As we visited my sister said "I found something you will want."  She had been going through a bookshelf of my parents' books and had happened on one of my Mom's.

 It was one of her prayer journals that she had kept.  Of course I brought it home and placed it by my bedside table.  Later in the evening just before going to sleep - opened it to see what she had wrote.

The date was April 2005...her birthday was April 8th and she was thanking the Lord for all her blessings.  

She had written that it was her 67th birthday.   What are the chances that 18 years later on my 67th birthday week I would get to read words my mother penned when she was my age.  I certainly took it as a sign that God hears and answers our prayers.  Thank you all for allowing me to share my story with you.  If you have one, would love to read yours.  Each of us has a story and every story matters.



"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" 1 Cor. 2:9 b (NIV).



  1. O That is so nice! Thank you for sharing this touching story

  2. Wow. God arranged that, I call it not a coincidence but a Godincidence. He sent you a clear message. Love it.

  3. What a lovely story of your mom checking in to offer you some encouragement. Every time I see or hear a hummingbird in my yard, I feel like it's my mom watching over me.

  4. Oh my, how beautiful... and precious! Thanks so much for sharing this story with us, Debbie. What are the chances, eh? I love how He takes care of the details. xo

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a wonderful story, Debbie. That was so special that you got to read some of your dear mom's words around your birthday. Yes, God always hears and answers our prayers. I have so many little stories about things that have happened to me, and have had signs along the way, and some I have written in a journal, and some I keep close to my heart. I call them blessings, and they always come at just the right time. This was a heartwarming story, and thank you for sharing it.

    Merry Christmas season to you, Debbie.


    1. That verse is so very special, thank you. I needed to hear that today. ; )

  7. Debbie, I just read you got the dreadful virus, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself, dear friend. Sending comforting thoughts and love your way.

  8. Debbie, thank you for sharing that special story with us. How lovely that you were able to read her words from when she was the same age as you. God makes things happen. Enjoy the miracle of your mom's words. have a great weekend. Hugs!

  9. Happy Birthday!
    Wow! Chills thinking about your good fortune, a sign from your mother sent by God. Yes, I can say that has happened a few times in my life with the same chills realizing the coincidences aren't always coincidences. There are times when the Lord gives us reminders of His love and power.

  10. In truth, there are things that have no explanation, but they do enliven our faith and make us feel in something that we know does not only exist in our memories.
    Happy Sunday.
    Best regards.

  11. Awww, my mom loved to take photos of rainbows, sunsets and cows. I think of her so often. Thanks for the story and lovely happening in your week. Hugs.

  12. Oh Debbie-this is wonderful! I'm so happy God did that for you. He is so good to us! Those miracles do help build faith. and I have had lots of them too-mostly little ones-but to me they are big!
    Happy Birthday-and I read in the comments that you are sick-oh my-I hope you are better by now. Love you my friend.

  13. Such a lovely and moving story, Debbie. Absolutely the sign you asked for. What a special birthday! Hugs, Judy.

  14. this touched my heart so deep dear Debbie!!!!!!!!!
    i am so happy that you found what you were looking for a sweet touch of your mom's sweet heart and what a bliss that kind Lord brought it to you :)
    i was having miracles in my life since beginning but i realized them in my later part of life and now each breath of mine is beaded with thanks to my God!

  15. How wonderful Debbie. I am sure this was not a coincidence. Thanks for sharing this wonderful episode with us.

  16. Bonjour ma chère Debbie, J'ai lu avec beaucoup d'émotions ta jolie publication... Un lien fort te lie à jamais avec ta maman. Tu as eu la chance d'avoir une maman aimante... Tu as raison, nous avons tous des histoires surprenantes. Je suis désolée de ne pas être toujours présente dans le monde de la blogosphère... mais je suis à chaque fois tellement heureuse de te lire et de lire tes petites publications remplies de bienveillance. Je te souhaite de belles de fin d'année et une année 2024 exempte de souci. Plein de câlins et bisous, Martine

  17. That's so very beuatiful...kind of gives me shivers...I had something magical happen in relation to my grandmother once...but it's too long to share here...So you were open to receiving an answer to your prayer...Wow,...Love, Rita

  18. Hola Debbi, no frecuento mucho el blog, pero siempre leo tus publicaciones, me agradó mucho saber que justo en tu cumpleaños pudiste leer lo que tu madre escribio cuando tenia tu edad, Se que Dios esta presente en todo momento, pero siempre tenemos que tener los brazos abiertos para recibir sus dones, se positivamente que hay una conección especial con los seres que partieron, dos días despues de la muerte muy reciente de otro de mis hijos, salgo del supermercado y a mis pies hay un rosario blanco, me impactó pues era una zona muy concurrida pero fue una señal para que no pierda mi fe y pueda seguir mi vida aunque muy triste, acompañada por el Señor.........

  19. What a beautiful story! I get signs daily...They are so comforting...


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Break Time

(Kelsey is taking a break)  It is break time.   End of summer and beginning of autumn calls for a little rest.  Will be back in a couple of ...