Sunday, November 19, 2023

Wow !

 Is it possible friends that the month of November is more than half over.  Wow!  Next week the U.S. will celebrate Thanksgiving.

We at Harmony Hills have received many blessings this past year and will certainly be giving thanks.  

This old apple tree gave plenty of apples for sauce. It may look bare now but come next August it will once again be producing fruit.

As you can see in the above photo the ground yielded hay for the neighbor's cattle.  I am sure they will be thankful when the snow flies.

This burning bush continues to bless us with some lovely red color.  So glad it does.  

This past week we have seen lots of sunshine and blue skies.  Who cannot be grateful when the sun comes out?

As we begin to move into the holiday season not just here in America but all over the world - praying that each of you are finding blessings that make you say "Wow" and give thanks. 

God Bless!


"Let us come before him with thanksgiving..." Psalm 95:2a  (NIV)


  1. This month is flying by it seems. I know we all have many things to be thankful for now and all year long. May your blessings continue, Debbie. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Your old apple tree is wonderful, Debbie. I'm glad you made sauce with the apples. You know, my in-laws came over with some goodies, and one of them was a bunch of golden apples from their apple tree. They are so sweet and natural and good. I'm sure you love it when you get to pick all those apples from your tree. Happy Thanksgiving to one of the most dear bloggers I know.


  3. Wow! Back at you. Time is flying and thanks for pointing that out. We have really been busy with company for Thanksgiving. Hope your holiday is great. Blessings for Thanksgiving.

  4. Everything looks ready for Winter! Love burning bushes!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Beautiful post-and yes November is flying by too fast Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for so much. One of my thankfuls is your friendship!

  7. It's a wonderful tradition to give thanks. We in Europe don't know Thanksgiving Day but I wish you a good one! Hugs, Judy.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Beautiful photos, it is weird we are near the end of November.
    The good side is, spring is getting closer. :)

  9. Debbie, I loved hearing about all the DEER that roam around your area. Every time I see one, I feel it is a gift. I've always thought they were such special animals, gentle and dear. I never got to see them in my hometown, so now that I'm in the mountains, it is a pleasant surprise when I see them. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week, Debbie.


  10. Beautiful photos. I really like your burning bush with its red leaves. Wishing you a lovely rest of the week.

  11. Oh, sweet Debbie and the family, Thank u for beautiful posts and photos. I'm sure you're busy with preparation for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Me, too, heartily hope you're having a wonderful festive season! Take care not to catch a cold. ((Hugs)), best wishes, Sadami

  12. Best wishes for a lovely Thanksgiving.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving, Debbie. May you have many more wows in the season to come.


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