Sunday, July 18, 2021

Summer Moments

Here are a few summer moments.

A field freshly mowed. 

 Mrs. Hummer swooping in for a sweet drink.

Blackberries ripening in the midst of brambles.

 A moth gathering nourishment.

Sweet Anne's Lace dancing in the breeze.

Last but not least this pink day lily blooming during its brief visit.  

All of these summer moments make me grateful.

Hope each of you are finding a few wonderful moments as well.



"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace, the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."  Isaiah 55:12


  1. Your Summer moments are beautiful ones, Debbie. I especially love the hummingbird
    photo. My neighbor has a feeder just like that, and I often see them hovering over it
    to get a taste of the sweet water. I see them on my bridal wreath bush also in my front
    yard. I've never seen a white moth before. Those blackberries must be so tasty. And
    that freshly mowed hill looks lovely.

    Have a beautiful week, Debbie. Thank you for this special verse. It really hit home for me,
    living in the mountains now.


  2. I love how you notice all the little but precious moments. Take care, dear friend.

  3. Lovely moments to treasure, Debbie! We are so lucky to have such wonderful and precious reminders of the beauty around us. Have a wonderful week!

  4. All wonderful!! I enjoyed this post…

  5. Hello my friend! You have captured summer with your photos. Such a sweet but fleeting time. Thank you for such a lovely post!

  6. The essence of summer in a few great shots, love the humming bird :-))

  7. Love the summer moments - esp. those blackberries!!!

  8. Such a beautiful part of the world. Thank you for sharing, best wishes.

  9. I saw a hummingbird sipping from some flowers in our backyard yesterday while I was letting the dog outside--always gives me a thrill!


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Break Time

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