Sunday, May 9, 2021

"My Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me"

There Is an old hymn that comes to mind today..."My Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me".

My beloved Mom was a woman of prayer and I know she prayed for me throughout her life.

Today I am so grateful for all those prayers.

Hope you will enjoy hearing this song.

God Bless!

"...and do not forsake your mother's teaching."  Prov. 1:8b (NIV)



  1. Happy Mother's Day! This was lovely. I've never heard this before and it was very moving to hear it played on the flute. I hope your week with be filled with prayers and thought of your mom. Hugs!!

  2. This post is beautiful. I enjoyed the hymn. I've never heard it before.

  3. A beautiful music that touched me .

  4. That is so special that your Mother prayed often, Debbie. It is something that gives
    me much peace. The music is nice and soothing. I know how much you are
    missing your dear Mom. My Mom is always in my heart, but especially on Mother's
    Day I am grateful for all she gave her family. Those flowers are perfect for your post


  5. I am sure she is still close to you and that her prayers have borne rich fruit.

  6. I hope your Mother's Day was happy, Debbie!

  7. Beautiful hymn!!!! And beautiful flowers!!!!

  8. I am also very grateful that God gave me the mother I had. I know she was a woman of prayer and she taught me to pray from a very young child. The day did not end until we had prayed together. Prayers for you as you think about her.

  9. Beautiful music, beautiful memory, they are us are gone but they will always live in our memory Debbie,
    Happy week.
    Best regards.


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