Sunday, March 21, 2021


Spring to me signals renewal.

After a long winter I am more than ready to be renewed.

Even though the trees have not yet dawned their green will not be long until they will be showing off their leafy finery.

The pussy willows are not shy.  They are coming out in full swing to greet the season of spring. 

Yes renewal is on its way.

Have a great week.



"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)


  1. I think we can all embrace a bit of renewal. May your renewal this spring bring you joy and contentment. Have a great week!

  2. SPRING on it's way -- hope!!!

  3. Debbie, that is one of the prettiest sunrises/sunsets I've seen. I love the pink ring around it. Our snow melted after a few days, but it's still pretty cold. I think Spring comes a bit later here. I've always loved this verse. Thank you for letting me hear it again today. Sometimes we need more strength in our everyday lives.

    Have a very nice week, Debbie.


  4. Second time I’m posting!!! Google hates me!!! Lol.
    Yes... I finally see and feel Spring coming closer... so happy to hear the birds outside...
    Enjoy your day, Debbie!!!!

  5. "It is my deepest hope that those who visit me at Harmony Hills will find beauty here and rest for the soul."

    I did!


  6. That first photo is my favourite. The colours are fabulous. After a month of spring in February, winter has returned here and I'm rather happy about it.

  7. Gorgeous photos! Sending a hug....

  8. Nice photos, the sunrises and sunsets are spectacular and very photographic, seeing the field dyed with its green mantle and starting to bloom is an allegory of life.
    Best regards.

  9. Fantastic photos. Yes spring has arrived here. Blessings.

  10. Spring gives us a new energy after the long winter months of lethargy . Sending hugs.

  11. Bonjour chère amie,

    Le printemps est ma saison préférée... Une saison où j'aimerais pouvoir ralentir le temps pour profiter au mieux de chaque instant avec cette lumière qui met en valeur les nouvelles pousses de vert acidulé où parcimonieusement viennent se perdre les premières fleurs.
    Très jolie publication accompagnée de magnifiques photos.

    Gros bisous 🌸


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