Sunday, February 28, 2021

Journals & Love Letters

 In sorting and cleaning out my Mom's home my brother and I discovered these two journals and love letters.  The journals span the years of 1984 through 1992.  Mom began the first one two months after her mother - my grandma had passed away.  She wrote about how much she missed her.  They had always been very close and the loss left a huge hole in her life.  

Some entries were brief describing the weather and the happenings in the family.  Friendships and gatherings filled many of the pages.   Travels and various adventures were described in detail.

The love letters were much older.  They were kept in a bottom drawer of Mom's vanity.  They had been written by two young people who were very much in love.  Those two were my parents.  Dad was in the Navy at the time and Mom in high school.  

Of all the treasures that were collected and saved during my Mother's life I believe my brother and I found the very best.

If anyone questions keeping journals or special notes; you are leaving a legacy to those who are left behind.  I know I am very grateful that Mom kept hers. 

Have a great week.  Tomorrow is the first day of March.  Will it come in like a Lion or a Lamb?



"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children...Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."   Deuteronomy  6:6-7;9 (NIV)


  1. Dear Debbie,
    What a wonderful treasure to come upon. These are beautiful memories.
    I too have some special love notes of my Mom and Dads, so I understand how very special they are.
    Thank you so much for your comment. I would really enjoy seeing your stippling. Maybe someday you could post them.
    Keeping you in my prayers

  2. What a heart's delight to find these treasures.
    Big hugs...

  3. Oh my gosh, the best treasures!! I'm so happy for you and your brother. A beautiful phot, by the way, it honors the journals and treasures. Are you keeping a similar journal? ❤️ Rita

  4. I couldn't agree more -- !!!

  5. One of my favorite posts from you!!! It gave me goosebumps!!! I have never made a journal but I wrote funny things that my grandchildren did in my grandma journal to them. They all have a book that I added photos as well! When they come over to visit they always take it out to read and I hear them laughing which makes me happy.
    To have these letters from your mom is such a blessing! Enjoy

  6. How great that you found these journals and letters. Happy to hear from you today. Hugs.

  7. Wow. What an absolute treasure you have found. I am sure you will cherish the letters and journals forever.

  8. Well, it came in like a lamb because these old journals and love letters are truly treasures for you to keep, Debbie. How wonderful that your beloved Mom left journals behind, and you and your brother discovered them. I got a tear in my eye reading your post, as I keep journals myself, and often wonder if anyone will ever read them later on in life. The verse you shared is perfect for your post today. Treasure these keepsakes, they are a special reminder of the love your mom and dad had for each other.

    Happy March days to you.


    ps.....when my Mom passed away, me and my sister and brothers came across so many things to cherish. You will too. : )

  9. What precious treasures to have! You are right-those are cherished. Now they are a tangible link-something you can touch with your hands, that your mom held in her hands.

  10. What a wonderful thing to find , also helps you to know your mother in a different way.

  11. What a wonderful discovery and treasure to find.

  12. How very special to have these treasured items from your mom. It gives you a special window into understanding and knowing her. What a find! Wishing you a wonderful week and great thoughts of your mom.

  13. This is so special-hugs a real treasure
    and thanks so much for dropping by my blog today

  14. Yes, you and your brother found the best treasures, Debbie!
    Love and hugs!

  15. Hi Debbie, I have my Dad's journals. They are truly a treasure. I hope all is going well! Bonnie

  16. Those journals and love letters are really to be treasured. They are special. God bless Debbie.

  17. What a precious thing to have. I have kept cards my mother wrote to me and also cards she painted. She loved painting her own cards.


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A Delightful Challenge

 Kathy at  Catching Happiness  has created a Daily Delight challenge for the month of May.  She and I have been blogging buddies for years. ...