Sunday, December 6, 2020

First of December

The first of December brought us snow.

 Several inches covered the ground

and trimmed the tree limbs  white.

In the afternoon sunshine it made a pleasant sight.

 Seeing that first bit of winter made me decide I would do a bit of my own trimming.

     Nothing like a bit of snow to spark the Christmas Spirit.   Hope you all have

                                         a blessed week.   Hugs  Debbie

"In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David.  The virgin's name was Mary."  Luke 1:26-27 (NIV)


  1. I didn't realize you had snow! Snow always looks so pretty...until it doesn't any more. lol We had a lot of rain here and it kept me indoors. It did give me a chance to put up my tree yesterday, and the Nativity went under the tree today. Wishing you a week filled with blessings and joy!

  2. Happy Week! Lovely photos.
    Snow missed this area the last storm system, but Tuesday's AM forecast has a chance of an inch or two.

  3. It's so beautiful. Snow is just one of those things that I will always yearn for. Have a wonderful week Debbie.

  4. BRRRR -- but oh does it look beautiful! Stay warm!!!

  5. We don’t have any snow yet but even though I don’t want any, it certainly looks beautiful!!! Maybe for Christmas Eve!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Enjoy your week!!!

  6. I agree with you Debbie, the snow is so beautiful! Winter is such a beautiful season to me, as I love the gorgeous scenes the snow creates. I enjoy the winter season, to get projects done that the rest of the year are put off until now. Thank you for your visit to my blog, I appreciated your kind comment... many blessings to you!

  7. Oh snow! Beautiful! Wonderful Christmas views!

  8. Very pretty …. to see. We are not planning on any snow! It should be about 70 degrees F today. :-)

  9. Snow really makes everything look so pretty , here in Milan it has been snowing too, making almost all the pollution go away . Love your snow photos .

  10. Bonjour chère amie,

    Effectivement l'esprit de Noël est bien présent dans ton petit billet avec de merveilleuses photos enneigées...
    J'espère que tu vas bien... Je te souhaite de passer de belles fêtes de fin d'année malgré le trouble que nous traversons tous.

    🌿🌸 Gros bisous 🌸🌿

  11. We had about 2-3 inches but it melted off quickly the next day. That’s the kind of snow I like! It does make the trees and shrubs look so beautiful and clean - as long as you don’t have to get out in it.

  12. Brr! It's actually cold here in Florida, though it's going to warm up quickly. My Christmas tree is still in pieces on the floor. But we'll get there! Enjoy the season!

  13. Oh, you got snow! It looks beautiful. I especially like that tree picture with a bit of snow covering the branches. Your Christmas tree is very nice too. It's wonderful that you're in the Christmas Spirit, Debbie.


  14. Love these photos and what a lovely Christmas Tree. It gets me into the spirit just looking at them.


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Seeing this lovely violet patch blooming reminded me that I had been wanting to gather a few.   Many years ago I had candied some to decorat...