Sunday, November 1, 2020


Acorns and oak leaves on the ground...

Black walnuts for winter baking...

a final harvest of veggies...  

and a few asters bravely blooming.

November may be cold and gray but it still brings its own special brand of blessings.

Hope all of you are blessed this week.



"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace."  Psalm 29:11 (NIV)


  1. Love the photos! I remember a tree not far off an Ohio county road nearby, a black walnut tree that took forever to have green leaves.
    Have a Wonderful Week!

  2. Always plenty of beauty and blessings if we look hard enough. I have a special love of acorns--they are cute (and fun to draw) in themselves, and hold such potential to become something amazing--a strong, beautiful oak tree.

  3. Such a beautiful post, Deb ... thank you ... and hugs!

  4. Lovely photos that make me think of hot warm soup and lit candles and fireplace :-)

  5. I love your pictures and your words today. It's so fun to pick up black walnuts and acorns in the fall.

  6. So pretty! I wonder if you did a lot of canning this year. I remember posts that you said you had made things, and I know you have a nice garden. It's a little sad to say goodbye to growing things, but I agree, November has its own beauty. God bless you my friend.

  7. Our November has started out frosty yet sunny. I love this kind of weather. Black walnuts remind me of my Mother. She also liked them in her baked goods.

  8. Lovely collection of November's blessings! We started off the month with rain but had a beautiful (but windy) day today. That was a blessing and lifted my spirits. Wishing you blessings and treasures to start the month. Take care, my friend!

  9. Ingredients of these dates, the chestnuts are missing, it is or was typical here a place where they roasted and sold them in cartridges, this year in August there was a strong storm with a lot of wind and it threw the walnuts to the ground with what is there very few to catch, well they will be bought.
    Happy week.

  10. Debbie, I love your blog. You always post the most beautiful pictures and you always have something uplifting to say. Thank you.
    Hugs! Happy November!

  11. Wonderful blessings, Debbie! Peace is what we need!

  12. Such wonderful blessings. I haven't picked acorns in years. They were so much more prevalent when I was growing up.

  13. I loved looking at your photos. I was born in Indiana and by father was from Ohio . . . the Midwest holds a dear spot in my heart so seeing your photos, especially the pretty little acorns, is a treat for my eyes. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your warm and tender comment.

  14. I gave a happy sigh when I looked at this. So nice.

  15. So far, November is wonderful.....if it would stay just like this I would be thrilled. It’s wonderful seeing all your Autumn veggies, still in bloom. When I look outside I see the squirrels collecting their stash for the winter... Don’t you just love nature?!!!!
    Enjoy your day, my friend!

  16. This time of year, the weather can’t decide whether it’s going to be a late summer, gentle entry into autumn - or Boom! - here comes winter! Glad there are still some beautiful gifts on the ground, in the skies, all around, if we only just keep looking.

  17. Yes, so many blessings, Debbie. I love to see acorns in the Fall. And black walnuts are Yummy when baking our favorite desserts. The asters kind of look like daisies, don't they? You know, my brother grows chili peppers in his garden like the ones shown here. When he gave me a few, I put them in my scrambled eggs and they tasted so good.

    I hope you have happy and healthy November days, Debbie. I always appreciate your lovely photos.


  18. You make the ordinary extraordinary. I’m smiling.

  19. this is biggest blessing in this life that one can recognize the "blessings " of Lord dear Debbie :)
    you have most priceless gift !
    your harvest is lovely my friend
    more blessings to your days!

  20. I love the photo with the Black walnuts

  21. I love November more than ever after reading this!! So rich, the gifts from the earth...


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