Sunday, September 6, 2020


In September dusk begins to arrive early.  

The crickets start to sing .  They make one want to stop and linger - to savor this peaceful time...  

To gather a few veggies for tomorrow's meal...

and enjoy the view before dark claims the end of the day.

Yes mornings are wonderful but just before nightfall is lovely too.  Hope all of you have a blessed week.  



"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  John 14:28 (NIV)



  1. Those veggies look great!
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. I agree -- the evening, as the high heat cools and the cicadas sing, is about as lovely as the morning as the sun rises and lights the world...

  3. I love dusk as it brings with it the promise of rest. And I just love the chirping of the crickets.

  4. This is the time of year when we realize we have to savor every beam of light that shines through. The days are shorter yet so sweet with cool breezes. Have a great week.

  5. Debbie, you live in the most lovely area. I am longing to live out in the country in my years to come. I am tired of the fast-paced living here in So Cal, and I've been dreaming of moving back up north one day. Your veggies look wonderful, and your deck looks so peaceful. What a view you have. Your dog has so much area to roam. I love the verse about peace you shared, and I sure needed that. You always shine a beautiful light when I come over and visit with you, Debbie.



  6. September, the madness of the summer months is over, the return of everything begins, that catwalk begins for the coming and colorful autumn, a month that transmits peace and tranquility, we hope so.

  7. Your blog is so peaceful. I agree about the dusk time-I noticed how GOOD the air smelled last evening.

  8. The veggies look wonderful!,,, as far as dusk.... I love this time of the year...I feel like I have more time to paint.... the sounds of the crickets are so soothing to me ... I can sit outside and just stop and listen ....I love the Autumn but when it comes I’ll miss the summer...😂 I just love my four seasons.... hugs......

  9. It seems like the days are disappearing so quickly now. I keep my blinds open until it gets dark and love seeing the sunset peeking through the trees. Your collection of veggies looks delicious! Have a wonderful week and enjoy these days!

  10. Perfect. The cats and I are upstairs looking at your beautiful photos. Have a wonderful week! Hugs!

  11. Yes, such peace your have shared...I was transported, atmosphere, a mood...I will pay more attention to the end of this day...Thank you, truly...Rita

  12. I love the corner with the chairs and plants, and your veggies look delicious. Even here, hot as it is, you can get just a hint that fall is coming. Thanks for sharing your little slice of the world.

  13. Preciso post sobre los días cortos de septiembre, el otoño ya está cerca. Tienes un nuevo seguidor desde el norte de España. Saludos desde


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