Sunday, August 23, 2020



Sharing a few bits of Joy today.  This is a view from our hillside.  I never grow tired of seeing the sky.


Madam Monarch enjoying a colorful lunch.  It is always a challenge to catch up with her when she starts searching for the perfect delicacy.

The Rose of Sharon overseeing the veggie patch.  Bless her - she is faithful when the other flowering shrubs have withered in summer's drought.

Last but not least...a rainbow.  It serves to remind me that God's promises never fail.

Hope you enjoyed these bits of joy today.  Have a wonderful week.

God Bless


"Shout with joy to God, all the earth."  Psalm 66:1 (NIV)


  1. Every photo is gorgeous! Hugs!

  2. Love those wide open spaces. This post is very uplifting. Monarchs are on the move. Such fun to see them swooping around the garden.

  3. A lovely post-and beautiful photos! I love the rainbow. Good reminder to be joyful even when things are not perfect!!!

  4. So good to have a joyous post amid so much sadness and environmental worries -- Great photos and post !

  5. Your joyful photos touched me and made me smile. I hope you find more joy in your week!!!

  6. Hola Debbie: tus palabras siempre precisas, valorando las cosas pequeñas que el Señor nos ofrece, el cielo azul, las flores y los insectos. Que bueno sería que muchos practicaran esto, sería un mundo con mas paz. GRacias por compartir tus vivencia. Hermosas fotos!! Un abrazo

  7. These Photos are all so inspiring... I still gasp when I see a rainbow... Always beautiful ..
    Enjoy the rest of the week, Debbie

  8. Isn't that Monarch butterfly pretty? I see yellow and white ones around here all the time, but they flutter about so quickly, and don't sit still for long. The rainbow is beautiful, Debbie. It's always a gift when we see a rainbow. Thanks for sharing some of your joy with us. And the verse is a very special one. Enjoy the last of these August days. My favorite season is coming, Autumn. I'm looking forward to seeing Autumn around your area. : )


  9. Thanks for spreading joy Debbie. We all need it right now.

  10. Ahhhh that rainbow... thank you for sharing the joy Debbie

  11. Your blog is always a bit of Joy for me!
    Here is a film I think you'd love:
    Take Joy: The Magical World of Tasha Tudor. Oh my, like you, she lived a beautiful country life...and so very very artistic!

  12. Madam Monarch, I love her. Thanks for your post.

  13. Beautiful reminder of what we have to be grateful for.
    Thank you Debbie.

  14. Beautiful photos. I do find some aspects of nature very soothing and reassuring.


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