Sunday, June 28, 2020


If you are like me there are moments when you would like time to stand still.

Summer days are some of those moments.
Green fields...
                           flowers blooming...

raspberries ripening...

make me want to hit the pause button of time.

Like this little fellow may we all be still and savor moments that bring us joy.

Have a blessed week. 


"But I trust in you, O Lord; I say "You are my God."  My times are in your hands;"  Psalm 31:14 - 15a (NIV)


  1. Yes, please. I have quite a few of those moments.

    Hugs, Debbie!

  2. There are many moments to savour like that, summer days being some of them! Lovely thoughts and photos, Debbie!

  3. We had some beautiful moments today. Beautiful out and we got a bit of rain.

  4. For savouring these beautiful moments, yes, I wish we could pause time for a while. In case of these raspberries ripening.... fast forward please. :)

  5. Lovely pics of the beauty you enjoy, in time. All we have to do is pause and look around us, take a deep breath and enjoy with thankfulness.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  6. Looks like you have a heavenly perch to enjoy the garden and your surrounds. Your fur children obviously agree. :) Have a great week.

  7. Beautiful post-a good reminder to just savor those moments. Hugs to you!

  8. Yes, this is the way I feel in Autumn. It would be nice if time would stand still on those nice cool Autumn days with the sights of oranges and golds. You have a bush of raspberries, how wonderful! I remember when we could pick them on the bushes growing up, and now they are so expensive at the stores. You live in such a beautiful area, Debbie. I wish I could sit there with you in your yard and chat for awhile. : )


  9. I always want to pause time in Spring or whenever I'm on vacation. If only :)

  10. I need to learn to be still. It's not easy. Your beautiful summer looks like our brief spring here in Texas.

  11. There are many beautiful moments to focus on and enjoy! Have a great week and appreciate what is around you!!

  12. There are definitely moments I would love time to stand still , one of them is when nature wakes up again after a long winter . Hugs

  13. such beautiful summer pictures, what a view!
    I am always wishing time would stand still and just not move by so fast, so that makes me want to do my best to stay in the moment and enjoy it while its here :)

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and thank you so much for that verse. I needed that this morning.

  15. Well, I don't want to pause summer, as you know, but I'm glad that some people enjoy it :) Your photos are very enticing...I can see why you'd want to pause time. Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  16. I think you do make moments that you love stand still...through art, worship, appreciation...Certain moments seem exceptionally blessed ...thank you for sharing yours...

  17. I know what you mean Debbie... for me I find the time I savor most and wish it to be still is at sunset. I want to linger in it longer... but then the sun dips down . I just LOVE the pic of your shepherds together. They're so beautiful.

  18. Thanks for reminding me that I need to slow down and stop...just stop and breathe and enjoy the greens and colors of the flowers blooming, the hummingbirds, the bluejays coming for peanuts, the bright sunshine and full golden moon. Each day brings something to enjoy and take to heart.

  19. Thank you for visiting my blog and your lovely comments.

    I love your German Shepherds! They are my husband's favourite dog.

    It is so important to stop and appreciate all the little beautiful things that we might otherwise miss. It's good to slow down.

  20. Wonderful sentiments...happy 4th❤

  21. Debbie, all is well and loving your post .. When we really think of it, it's these simple things that touch our hearts.. Please stay safe.
    Hugs BJ


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