Sunday, April 19, 2020

I am convinced...

Flowering Quince

that there is beauty to be found everywhere...

Daffodils, Tulips, Virginia Bluebells
spring flowers still lighten our hearts...

April 18th page from my sketch journal
keeping a gratitude list does much to raise spirits...

Watercolor in Progress
creating can transport us above our circumstances...


and last but not least the concerns of tomorrow will rob us from the joy and love we have today. 

May all of you have a blessed week.



"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, no any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."   Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)


  1. Beautiful thoughts, words and photographs Debbie. So true and thank you xx

  2. Dear Debbie,
    Your post with these words are just what I needed today. Amen.
    I love the photos, and especially your watercolor. Exquisite!
    Stay well

  3. Beautiful post, Debbie. Happy Sunday and hugs to you from very quiet, subdued, but ever hopeful Las Vegas.

  4. An amazing post, Debbie! I loved every word and every picture:)

  5. Good Monday Morning Debbie. Such a beautiful uplifting beginning to a week with quince and Schindler looking spry. Have a great week.

  6. I love your drawings and watercolors! Even your handwriting is beautiful. Do you come by it naturally, or have you had to work at it? Thank you, too, for the much-needed scripture reminder!

  7. There is indeed!!! And here too! HUGS!

  8. The Scripture was a good thing for me to read! You are warmer than we are here-but today the sun is shining and I know eventually it will get warm! Your artwork is always a delight to see. I loved your thankful list-I read it!-and you are so right-being thankful is the real key to all of this stuff :)

  9. Beautiful words and pictures, Debbie!

  10. Hello Debbie, glad to see all the lovely spring colours around your garden and know the birds are nesting too. When my mum was still here she had a quince growing by her garden gate, we used to bring the fruit into the house when they dropped, took me back to her garden. springtime really cheers you up, enjoyed seeing and reading your journal. Beauty can be seen in your garden. keep caturing it. x

  11. Love seeing your sketches Debbie.and love that you have a gratitude list in with your sketches .such a peaceful post during these strange times and Schindler is just beautiful...Hugs :)

  12. Lovely photos and I really love that watercolor. Give Schindler a hug for me.

    And you have quoted one of my all time favorite verses!! Unlike the rest of the world, we have hope!

  13. Your words are so uplifting. You find the beauty in the small things that are often overlooked. Thank you for pointing them out to us. Have a wonderful week, my friend!

  14. LOVE your watercolor in progress, Debbie. Wonderful spring flowers... I enjoy seeing them as I walk around the neighborhood. I don't leave the house but I still like to take walks in the late afternoon. Being isolated is definitely not fun!! By the way, Schindler is truly handsome.

  15. Such true and uplifting words. Your sketch journal is very pretty.

  16. Beautifully written, Debbie. What gifts you have! These words are so comforting and hopeful. God bless you.

  17. The flowering quince is so pretty, Debbie. There's just something about red flowers that get to me. So nice that you made a gratitude list, especially at this time in our lives. Your watercolor is lovely. And I always enjoy seeing photos of your dog.

    I like what you said about the concerns of tomorrow...they are very special words.

    Stay well, Debbie.


  18. You certainly found beauty in the quince Debbie, what an eyeopener , but your lovely watercolor is nothing less . Such a sweetness to your work, really beautiful.

  19. Love to you, Debbie, for your pretty pictures and uplifting message!

  20. What a beautiful post, Debbie. I loved catching a glimpse of your journal entry... lovely sketches. Yes, I too believe there is beauty to be found everywhere.

    No wonder He said not to worry about tomorrow... it robs us of our joy and strength for today.

    Happy Saturday!
    Brenda xox

  21. Replies
    1. Did you name your dog after Oskar Schindler?

    2. Yes Sandi Schindler was named because of his great heroic acts to save God' people :).

  22. Dear Debbie, a so beautiful post and lovely art works. Please take care and stay safe. ((Hugs)), Sadami


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