Sunday, March 29, 2020


Today I am sending a bit of cheer your way...

Spring has arrived at Harmony Hills... the forsythia is blooming...

so are the crocus...

the King Alfred daffodils and Glory of the snow...

blue squill... they volunteer everywhere...


and something new for me to grow... Hellebores...

even the Peach tree is budded showing color.

Praying you found a bit of cheer here today.

Keep faith friends.

Hugs & Prayers coming your way.


"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones."  Prov. 15:30  (NIV)


  1. Forsythia! A gorgeous plant especially when left to grow wild.
    Have a Safe & Great Week!

  2. Lovely photos of spring. I wish we had managed to go to the garden centre before all this started. I miss buying plants and having more colour in our garden at this time of year. Take care.

  3. Beautiful! Hugs to you, Debbie.

  4. Debbie, a lot of cheer here and hope. And I am glad that you are stopping to notice and tuning into springtime's cheer. The flowers, so happy, and that sky, so miraculous! Thank you, Rita

  5. I see that you are finding the same outdoor gifts that I've been seeing here. They are coming at a time when we all need a touch of color and faith that renewal will happen. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos. I hope you and your family are doing well through all that is happening us. All the best, my friend.

  6. We must be in part of the Antarctic here! Nothing is blooming yet, or even much close to blooming. But it seems like it is getting warmer-just have to be patient! So good to see your dog-he is looking very healthy.
    Love to you...

  7. Thank you for the cheer -- these are beautiful and yes, puts a smile on our faces! Hope all is well there -- be safe ... hugs!

  8. Good to know that nature is still the same and that there is something you can always count on . Thank you for sharing the photos.

  9. I needed this hopeful post today! Lovely flowers and blossoms. What a bountiful property you have! Thank you, Debbie!

  10. Dear Debbie,
    Thanks for your note on my post...Oh my, Debbie...My prayers are with you all... and gratitude... Much love, Rita

  11. Debbie, I'm so glad Spring has arrived in your area, and at a time when one needs it right now. The blue squill is so pretty. It kind of looks like a purplish blue color. I don't see that around here. The crocuses are lovely too. And you have a beautiful dog.


    *thank you for stopping by today, and just wanted you to know that I see all the comments, even when my daughters post. Jess hasn't posted in awhile - always busy with teaching and parenting. Now, she can slow down some. It was so special that you said we must look for the good in every situation. Stay well, Debbie. I had to go to the store today, and always a bit nervous being around people during this time. Your post with Spring flowers gave me a bit of peace at the moment. : )

  12. Very lovely. I guess you live aways from civilization so you're able to go outside more. I love the last photo with your dog peering out.

  13. Lovely spring--hope you're able to safely enjoy it,safely, Debbie :) Bet the dogs are getting a few extra walks (my dog is).

  14. Beautiful, Debbie! Love the cheer, thanks! Stay safe!

  15. love these first signs of spring and such a lovely bible verse as well and you have a peach tree so lucky :)
    hope you are staying healthy and you all are doing well
    big hugs

  16. These old bones are quite cheered by these photos of the promises of spring. Thank you. Cheers and Hugs...

  17. I just love the photos Debbie... it gives us hope. The first sign of Spring is everytime I look out the window. This week I'm going to sit in my backyard and start enjoying all the beautiful new blooms before its gone. My daughter goes to work tomorrow for the first time since she got the dreaded coronavirus...she's so much better many prayers went to her and her family. She's a Maternity nurse and her hospital is full of sick people... So yes, I'm happy and looking forward to sitting peacefully outside. PLEASE stay safe. Sending hugs.

  18. Bonjour chère amie,

    Tes photos sont une belle touche d'espoir... Il est triste de ne pas pouvoir profiter aussi pleinement de cette belle saison que j'affectionne particulièrement. Je me dis que je suis une grande chanceuse d'avoir un extérieur en cette période particulièrement difficile. Je pense à mes deux filles qui sont infirmières et qui en ce moment vivent des choses terribles... Tes photos sont donc les bienvenues !
    Merci pour ce délicieux partage.
    Prends bien soin de toi !

    🌿🌸Gros bisous 🌸🌿


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