Sunday, April 28, 2019


It is good to be back from spring break.   I have missed you and am glad to return.   Will do my best to visit everyone and catch up on all your news.

While I was gone look what started blooming:

Tulip and Virginia Bluebells

Apple Blossoms
Isn't it amazing how just a couple of short weeks ago the fields wore winter's brown.  Now they are wearing that lovely spring green.

Hope everyone has a blessed week.

"He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him."  Psalm 126:6 (NIV)


  1. Welcome back, Debbie!
    And your photographs just sing spring! Doesn't get much better :)

  2. Good to see you back!
    Look at all the beautiful Spring green and those blossoms, very nice.
    God never fails us with the seasons, does He?

    Have a great week~

  3. Beautiful photos. Happy Spring my friend.
    The psalms suit every occasion and this is perfect.
    Have a Blessed week.

  4. Spring waits for no one. I hope you didn't miss anything and had a good time. Can't wait to hear more about your trip. Cheers.

  5. Welcome back. I hope you had a good break. I have to say I really love your first photo. Chipmunks are so cheeky and cute.

  6. I think so too. Spring came around so quickly!

  7. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je suis très heureuse de te retrouver... Des retrouvailles charmantes avec la frimousse de ce petit écureuil et l'arrivée de toutes ces petites fleurs. La vie !
    J'espère que tu as passé de bons moments lors de ta pause.

    Gros bisous à toi

  8. Oh, Debbie, what a lovely post and the good quote!! I'd remember that Psalm in a tough time. Take care and enjoy spring and life. Best wishes, ((Hugs)), Sadami

  9. Spring is coming alive in your area. I love the apple blossom trees. Their pinkish white blossoms are pretty. That mischievous squirrel. Ours are a bit more grey here with a white belly. It's good to see you here again, Debbie.

    Wishing you wonderful May days.


  10. Absolutely wonderful ... spring for sure -- it's hot enough for summer here in NC !

  11. Isn't it exciting to be away from home for awhile, then return and see what has changed in your absence? I'll bet you were delighted to see those lovely flowers and have a visitor to greet you! Glad that you are back!

  12. Puts you immediately in a good spirit to see all the bloom , a welcome return for sure :-)

  13. Love your photos, Debbie, isn't it amazing how fast spring operates!
    Beautiful Psalm!

  14. Lovely photos of spring coming to life. It is so nice to see. I came home and there are still pink blossoms on the trees and touches of forsythia still on a few bushes. The changes happened quickly! I didn't realize you were gone. Hope you had a nice time.

  15. Welcome back dear Debbie. We have buds popping and blooms blooming here too. Even our neighborhood bear has been by recently to destroy our bird feeders and tear up our garden a bit. He rolled a huge stone down the hill a bit. I sure wish I had seen it. I wish you a wonderful May.

  16. Once again I feel in sync with you, Debbie. I saw my first chipmunk about an hour ago and noticed tiny buds on a tree and bush about 2 hours ago. You inspire me to pay more attention...I forget sometimes...
    I wonder if you went on a trip...Good springtime to you, Rita

  17. Glad you're back.! These photos are wonderful as always. SO happy Spring is here.. everything is blooming and the air smells so sweet.. Happy Spring my friend....

  18. It happens so quick doesn't it. I haven't seen Virginia bluebells before they look beautiful. I hope you had a lovely break, best wishes.

  19. Love your bibleverse. But also all photos. xxx

  20. Spring comes alive in your lovely photos, Debbie! Thank you for all your recent posts and the inspiration they provide.

  21. Welcome back Debbie. Hope you had a blessed vacation. I thank God for all His wonderful creations that we enjoy every moment of our time. Thanks for those beautiful pictures.


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