Sunday, February 3, 2019

A Wild Ride

January 2019 made for a wild ride.  Like so many of you dealing with snow, ice, wind and bone chilling temperatures every day seemed challenging.

I am feeling hopeful that February will be a bit kinder.  Today we are seeing lots of sunshine...warmer weather - almost 50 degrees.  The snow and ice pack are in the process of melting.

Photo taken July 2018
Even groundhog Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow - which means his prediction is early spring.   I am hoping he is right.  Bet some of you are too.

May everyone have a blessed first week of February.

Hugs Debbie

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."  Romans 12:12 (NIV)


  1. Glad your temperatures are warming up. I know it's hard to deal with very cold weather day after day. Have a wonderful and blessed week.

  2. I had no idea groundhogs could climb trees!

    1. Dear Sandi - they do climb trees especially if two big shepherds are in hot pursuit :)!

  3. If they let Phil watch Netflix, then there'd be an early spring for sure!

    1. Now that is a great idea Maywyn. Perhaps we should contact someone who is in charge of darling Phil. :)!!

  4. I love your sketches of the flowers, Debbie. I’m waiting patiently for Spring. I think I’ve had enough of the cold weather... Although we’ve had a mild winter for New York and shouldn’t complain.... enjoy the rest of the evening.... sending hugs

  5. I googled Phil, and understand now. I hope he is right!

    1. Judy I hope he is too. I am more than ready for spring.

  6. That temperature sounds like a sudden welcome change. It can feel a bit too gloomy this time of year can't it. I long for February to be over every year. It always seems a teasing kind of month.

    Your drawing is lovely and can we see a close up of your watercolour you have so tantilisingly put off to the side? My eyes were immediately drawn to that lovely colour combination.

    Best wishes for a warmer week.

  7. Our area thawed out this weekend. It was a much appreciated relief from the January Polar Vortex. I hope the weather is on a more even keel this month of February.
    I like the color of ink you have used on your drawing. It is a good think you enjoy indoor amusements. Have a great week.

  8. That is a pretty animal. Never seen. And your drawing is very nice. Here it is cold and windy.

  9. I am so happy we had "normal cold" temperatures, nothing like what the central and eastern U.S. has had. I felt so bad for the misery I saw on the newscasts. We are in "Waiting Mode" now...waiting for temperatures to warm, baseball season to start and flowers to poke up. It'll be awhile yet, but we're hopeful! Debbie, I love your pen and ink work. You did an incredible job!

  10. Seems like you are making good use of the time spent inside , such a pretty art work ! Take care.

  11. Ah, your flowers are gorgeous, Debbie! And it looks like you have a very happy dog who doesn't seem to mind the frigid temps.
    Fingers crossed that silly Phil is right :)

  12. Wild January ride here as well. LOVE your flowers and seeing all that snow. Hope February brings warmer weather for us all ...

  13. I've just sent the Romans 12:12 verse to my son this morning as he's had to return to the hospital for 3 days of high doses of steroids to counteract a rejection reaction for his recent heart transplant. He's just 31 so he is still coming to grips with this life-altering change. As his parents we are joyful in hope, he is learning to be patient in his affliction, and we are all learning to be faithful in prayer. ❤️

    1. Cathy I will be praying for your son. Keep me posted of his progress. Sending you a big hug because I know you are certainly in need of one.

  14. Saying a prayer for Cathy and her son!!!
    Your pen and ink flowers are gorgeous!
    Spring really is coming...

  15. Happy February!!! It seems like our temps have improved quite a bit these past 2 days. I hope you are enjoying the sunshine and the mildness. I assume you have had a lot of fog there too like we have. Love your flowers!!! They brought a smile to my face! Have a wonderful week, my friend!

  16. Oh, the weather has been so fickle. I have enjoyed our slice of spring but it will be gone this weekend and back to winter a while. Oh, well, one never knows what the weather will be in our area from day to day. Today, rain rain rain and a good day to stay in and paint or read or whatever since I'm too old to go out and jump in puddles for fun :)

  17. what a beautiful photo of your sweet pup in the snow and your sketchbook pages look lovely,...we are lucky here it is actually in the seventies so i feel so bad for everyone that is still dealing with snow and cold...hope your staying warm and that spring will peak out soon!

  18. Oh, Debbie, I sure hope Feb. is kinder to you than January. Brrr! I see you've been using your time well, though. Do the dogs like the snow?

  19. Un buen Febrero lleno de sol y alegría, hermosas las fotos y el pasaje de Romanos 12,12, me encantó y me lleno de amor. Sin fe no hay vida.... Un abrazo!!!

  20. Is that a groundhog in a tree?? Yes, winter can be challenging...Then there is the part that while we are indoors staying warm, we can draw and paint...


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