Sunday, September 30, 2018

Apple Season

Once again it is apple season in our part of the world.

The varieties are many.

There are some excellent types for sauce and pie.  Others make a great snack.

These pictured are Honey Crisp.  They are delicious - sweetly tart and very crunchy.   Sliced and served with a spoonful of  peanut butter makes them a serious treat!

watercolor sketch

 Also they are a fun subject to paint from life.  Not necessarily easy for me but a wonderful challenge.

This month we have been studying the book of Genesis at Church.  Today some one mentioned Eve and the apple.  Unfortunately this is a misconception.  If one cares to to take a moment they would find the Bible says fruit.  That could mean a peach, a pear, a fig or many other types of fruits.  Possibly not even a fruit that we know today.    "When the woman saw that the fruit was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom she took some and ate it.  She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it." Gen. 3:6 (NIV)

Isn't it amazing how many of us like myself for years always considered it was an apple Eve ate.  Just goes to show how important it is to check out all the facts :)!

Well hope all of you enjoy a perfect apple this coming week. 

Hugs Debbie 


  1. It is odd how we assume it was an apple...but that shows how important it is to read !
    Your painting is very good-I think it's a wonderful painting. I love honey crisp apples too!

  2. I am not generally fond of apples but around this time, I start to get cravings for them. I know there are many varieties in the US. I think that Red Delicious were my favourites. We don't get that many different types here. Enjoy your week Debbie.

  3. Thank you for a lovely apple photo, Debbie, and for bringing back wonderful memories of apple picking--both in Western Michigan, where I grew up and later as a family living in the New York City area. Now that we live in coastal North Florida, we have no local apples, of course, but still love all the delicious varieties from other parts of the country. Pink Lady apples are one of our favorites.

  4. I bought some local apples the other day but haven't tasted them yet. Yours look so yummy! Like you I always connected Eve with an apple. That is probably due to illustrations in books and we just assumed that must be correct. It is interesting to think about what she might have eaten. I'm going to go off and treat myself to some watermelon. I'm continuing to buy them as long as they have them in the stores. lol Have a wonderful week, Debbie!

  5. I love painting apples, and yours look great! Apple and peanut butter? Have to try that!


  7. Your apple painting looks yummy. Apples do paint this season. Enjoy your week.

  8. Love your painting, Debbie! The sights and smells of October - doesn't get any better than that!
    And you've made such a good point about reading...
    Great post, my friend!

  9. Here it is also apple season. I have bought 4 apples for my husband. I am allergic for it. So: they are for him. The name: Santana.

    Love it about the apple in the paradise. The forbidden fruit was indeed a real fruit, but not necessarily an apple.

  10. I say that apple variety is extinct.
    Happy October Debbie!
    I'm looking to try a vintage apple to make apple crisp with maple syrup instead of brown sugar. Brown sugar has too much of that brain chemical remover that makes people angry.

  11. Your watercolor is so beautiful, delicate and lovely colors , always joyful !

  12. My husband is just crazy about Honey Crisp apple.I love t too with the Lobo, MacIntosh and Cortland really all favorites. Very nice Aquarella Debbie. And speaking of Eve maybe the only fruit tree available at the time was apple tree. We wil never know, will we! Have a great day and thank you again for your generous response in September. Hugs

  13. I just had to come see the apple post. Made me smile. I love to paint red apples.

  14. Hard to believe it’s October Debbie! I just got home today from Arizona! Did some hiking in the Grand Canyon!!! SO beautiful! LOVE the Apple!!!! I would love to do a still life soon! A challenge for me as well!!! Hugs.....

  15. Lovely painting. The purple shadow is as delicious as the fruit! It really makes it pop. Best wishes and happy snacking ;o)

  16. One of the members of the guild have an commercial apple orchard and we all get free samples of their different varieties. We are all painting them in an exercise. You captured what many did not - the flattish top!
    Most did the shape of an orange!
    Good point about Eve and the apple. In that climate is was most likely...?
    Enjoy a blessed week, my friend.

  17. Dear Debbie, thank u for the beautiful post, work and photos! Yes, there are misinterpretations in translation. If u like, check the info of Cinderella's original shoes. Have a wonderful weekend. Best wishes, Sadami

  18. Hello Debbie,
    Oh, such golden autumn colors and apples in the photos. And your painting has delicate pastels, very pretty and sweet...I used to love drawing apples in college art class...

  19. Bonjour ma chère amie,

    Il est bon de rentrer dans une maison où l'odeur de la pomme qui cuit se répand !... pour moi c'est l'attrait de l'automne... qui pourtant est une saison que je redoute et n'apprécie pas.
    Très joli petit billet.
    Je n'ai pas encore acheté de pomme pour la dégustation... Seul Sir Icarus se régale de pomme toute l'année. Il a droit à une pomme tous les matins et ce depuis qu'il est petit.
    Gros bisous à toi et excellent week-end.

  20. ps : je te félicite pour ton adorable dessin !

  21. I just love your apple watercolor, a fun subject to paint and then you get to enjoy eating it, I really love apples at this time of year, my favorite right now is the fuji they are very sweet and I love that.
    Hope you are enjoying this fall season! Hugs!

  22. I wonder what it was...

    The bible says it gave them wisdom. I've been eating apples for years, do I seem wise?



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