Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Farm at Walnut Creek

Hubby and I visited "The Farm" at Walnut Creek, Ohio two weeks ago.   It is about 40 miles from our home.

We had heard about the place from some of our  friends.  It sounded like a wonderful way to spend a day.

It is not your typical Amish farm...although one would never guess it at first sight.  General farming goes on...hay making, planting gardens, etc.

It is only when you climb into the horse drawn wagon and begin an hour's ride that you believe you may have moved to a far away spot.

These Elands from Africa came to greet us at our first stop.

Fallow Deer from Australia and New Zealand were everywhere.

Aoudad from Algeria posed perfectly for the camera.

This Giraffe from Africa was more than happy to eat from our buckets of grain.

The Grevy Zebra from northern Kenya was just a bit shy and didn't come to say hi.

A Dromedary Camel from the Middle East was at the gate as we finished our ride.

Afterwards we were free to tour walkways that showcased exotic birds from faraway places .

My favorite was the East African Crown Crane.

    I am sure no movie star could be dressed as pretty as this proud one.

Well friends this is just a handful of the wonderful animals we got to see and touch.   Thank you for letting me share these photos with you. 

Hope everyone has a beautiful July.

God Bless


P.S. Will be around to visit all of you soon.  I've missed you! 


  1. Welcome back. What an interesting farm. I wonder if these are rescues or a collection?

  2. Amazing animals. That!

  3. Such a nice place to visit Debbie!!! My Uncle lived next door to a lovely Amish family in Ohio. When we visited the family, they would invite us over to see the grounds...
    They gave us fresh milk from their cows!!! I gagged...but it was an experience. Lol
    I love the zebra.... And of course, glad to see you back!!

  4. So good to see your post, Debbie. Hope to see more soon.
    Thanks for sharing some gorgeous photos from your field trip! These beautiful animals look safe and content - makes me happy.
    Looks like your summer is off to a great start!

  5. I so love animals. Looks like a blast.

  6. I did not expect such exotic animals in Ohio! Love the photos!

  7. Neat photos, Debbie
    Looks like a fun place to visit on a summer's day.
    Happy Week!

  8. The photos are great - what a fun place to visit!

  9. We missed you too! What a treat to see so many beautiful animals!

  10. Glad you are back home, Debbie, and it looks like you had a zinger of a vacation. What interesting animals your delightful photos show. Definitely a treat to see such exotic creatures and feed them as well. It certainly looks like a nice place to stay. Take care and welcome home!

  11. How exciting to see this farm, these lovely animals. Aren't summer excursions grand? Happy July to you, Debbie! Rita

  12. That would be a lot of fun. Glad you had a little vacation. Poppy and I have just got to get away somewhere sometime soon. :)

  13. Beautiful animals and birds, especially the crane. Nice place to see. Regards.

  14. Bonjour chère amie,

    Tu as passé une très agréable journée...
    A la vue de ta première photo, j'ai eu une belle pensée à mes paons... J'ai eu la chance d'avoir un couple de paons qui au cours des années ont fait des petits. J'ai eu jusqu'à une vingtaine de paons dont 6 blancs.
    Ils ont vécu de longues années. Le dernier est mort il y a 4 ans. Beaucoup pensent que ce ne sont pas des animaux intelligents et bien ils se trompent bigrement. Ils sont extrêmement sensibles et ont également beaucoup d'intérêt à la musique. Ils venaient tous près de la fenêtre écouter ma fille jouer du piano... Je pourrais en parler longuement !
    Les propriétaires de cette ferme doivent vivre des moments magiques en compagnie de leur animaux. Ils ont tant à nous apprendre.
    Cependant il est tellement mieux de les savoir dans leur milieu naturel.
    Là c'est un autre chapitre... Nous pourrions épiloguer des heures !
    Merci pour ce délicieux moment et pour l'ensemble de ces belles photos.
    J'ai eu la chance lorsque j'ai vécu en Afrique de pouvoir admirer des grues couronnées. Des oiseaux sublimes.

    Gros bisous et bel été à toi

  15. What a wonderful place. A treat for sure.

  16. Debbie, I would love to visit this place. It looks like the animals have a beautiful area to wander in. Thank you for posting these lovely photos. Happy 4th!

  17. It sounds like a wonderful place and it must have been wonderful to see all the animals. Wishing you a happy Independence day.

  18. Hi Debbie! Your blog is lovely and I'm so happy to be your newest follower. The Farm seems the perfect place to visit. Those days are "good medicine" for the heart and soul. Happy 4th of July!

  19. Great photos of all the animals. Sounds like a very interesting place to visit. Enjoy the rest of your 4th of July!

  20. Hi Debbie, these are such wonderful photos that you took and looks like you must have had such a great time...thanks for sharing it with us...Hope your July is a good one! Hugs!

  21. Animal species from all over the world , looks like a wonderful place to visit !

  22. What a wonderful opportunity to see these animals close up. I would love to go there. The beauty of it is they have them all in a natural setting.
    They are part of this amazing planet and His Creation.


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