Sunday, January 14, 2018


When a winter storm is on its way here are some of my necessities.

Something hot to drink...

A warm fire...

and last but not least something good to read.

What are some of your necessities?  Would love to know.

P.S. - To those of you who are enjoying summer weather and warm temps...could you send some my way.   

Have a lovely week.

God Bless 


  1. Perfect accompaniments for a cold snowy day!!! Stay warm!

  2. Ours is perfect, I will send you some...not too hot and not too cold, but in the summer it is too hot.
    I guess we cool down at night because we enjoy lighting a fire.
    My necessities...a paper and brush at least. I sit and doodle at night with ideas for paintings. I "listen" to the movie or show and occasionally look up. With Chamomile tea.

  3. Looks like you have most of what you need. It would be nice to have a fire to sit in front of while I sip tea and look up from a good book to see the snowflakes coming down. I don't know how much they are predicting for this coming storm. We got a lot from the last one, but then it warmed up so most of it is gone. Have a great week!

  4. I want to feel the warmth too. A warm throw and two weenies in my lap give me joy on these cold days. Sunshine helps me get through winter.

  5. This looks like a perfect way to while away a snowy winter's day. You can be sure I am doing the same except I will take time to do a sketch or two. Nothing major just keeping the mind working and the fingers busy. Hot black tea is my preference but I do drink Green tea when I have had enough black. Cheers and stay warm.

  6. Debbie, Spring has promised she is on the way, so take heart and trust she is a lady of her word. LOL These colder days call for lots of Chamomile and other herbal teas for sure, as well as some piano practice and online study and visit with friends. I don't worry about losing power because we have a generator so I don't concern myself with losing battery power on the laptops or phones . As long as we are stocked up on goes on. I wish you a blessed new week. Enjoy snuggling up by the fire.

  7. Looks like a perfect recipe to get through winter!

  8. Unable to send sunny weather today, Debbie, but you are well prepared for the storm.
    My necessity on a cold night - chocolate.
    Stay warm!!

  9. It's not summer here but it's still not very cold. You're welcome to some sunshine anytime. We desperately need rain. I hope the storm doesn't hit you too badly.

  10. I'm enjoying winter weather and cold temps, but no snow and lots of sunshine today--not to rub it in or anything :). My necessities are about the same as yours. Add a notebook and pen, and my cat on my lap and you have the makings of a pleasant and cozy afternoon. I'm sure your dogs are curled up someplace warm nearby, too.

  11. So much fun to read the comments!
    Your fire looks so inviting-I sit next to my hot water radiator in my studio to be cozy! It's one of those antique ones that fills with hot water (that's how we heat our whole house). It's right by my drawing table and the window, so I love it. I always have some kind of tea and I have a little stash of chocolates in the cupboard-in case anyone wants to stop by! I like your pile of books!

  12. Bonjour chère amie,

    Oui besoin de cocooner avec la lenteur de l'hiver...
    Il me faut effectivement du bon thé, la lumière des petites flammes des bougies qui dansent, la douceur de la musique, ma peinture et de bons livres...

    Gros bisous

  13. I think that you hit all of the pertinent items! I like my electric blanket too so that Maddie the Cat can come and sit with me. It's a blessing to be warm and safe inside isn't it?

    Hope you week is off to a good start. Beautiful photos as always, thank you!

  14. I think you got the most important items for keeping warm and cosy in the cold. I do not have a fire place , but a nice cuppa , a warm blanket and a good book is just what it takes :-))

  15. sounds just perfect!! I'm looking forward to a little bit of snow here tomorrow and I think I will go with your ideas...stay warm and safe!!

  16. You have all the perfect essentials ready! I will be sending you our sunny weather for now sending you warm hugs!!

  17. Looks like a good list. I tend to just feel cold most of the winter while looking forward to spring, but wearing lots of layers helps. I'm a fan of green tea, too. :)

  18. It is cold and icy with us. Today the sun is shining which makes everything golden! I would say a necessity is some good food! to give energy and comfort. Some homemade soup and bread is always nice when gazing out at the winter landscape. The days are gradually getting longer, only by minutes each day, but we are moving very slowly towards the Spring. But let us not forget to look on the beauty of winter while she is here!

  19. My winter necessities are; A good view from my window where I work, electric foot-warmers ( because we live in a very old, cold house) and a pot of the best tea in the world: Havertys Cinnamon Spice with Cloves. Sending you the best new year!


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