Saturday, November 7, 2015

A November Dawn

Dawn - a time to be silent ... a time to keep still ...a time to know that with the coming of a new day there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed.

Have a blessed week!

Hugs Debbie


  1. Beautiful Debbie, always peaceful, love, Diana

  2. Lovely sentiment and beautiful photo!!! Enjoy the coming of the new week!

  3. You too Debbie. What a beautiful morning. I wish I could wake up that early.

  4. Beautiful photograph.
    November skies can put on quite a show.

  5. You as well, dear Debbie! Stunning photo! :)

  6. You as well, dear Debbie! Stunning photo! :)

  7. What a beautiful photo. I love seeing the sunrise and light rimmed clouds. During November we usually have clear skies but who knows what will happen this year. The weather patterns have been rather different so far.
    I enjoyed hearing that your hubby
    takes such lovely photos. He has romantic vision. Lucky YOU!

  8. Hello Debbie what a beautiful dawn view to wake up to.
    Enjoy your coming week.

  9. What a beautiful sight ! Looks like an endless sea! A promise that the coming day will be full of possibilities once again! Have a sunny one Debbie! A big hug

  10. Gorgeous Debbie! Wishing you a wonderful new week also.

  11. Even with dark clouds , this dawn is spectacular ! Wish you a great week too dear Deb.

  12. Many blessings to you, too, Debbie! Each new day brings hope and fresh opportunities.

  13. We have had very few dawns like that lately - just thick fog and grey dreary days. The earlier lovely autumn weather has disappeared and all that is left is 'murk'. You are lucky to have captured such a beautiful sunrise. Have a lovely week my friend.

  14. How beautiful! And thanks for sharing it with us!

  15. There is a magical feeling at that hour,love seeing it through your eyes!!

  16. Such a gorgeous photo Debbie! It is a truly magical time of day and I rarely ever see it!

  17. Beautiful photo! We have had a very nice fall so far and I enjoy spending time outside.


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