Saturday, October 31, 2015

October's Farewell

As October bids us farewell and we step into November I am taking a moment to reflect on the passage of this beautiful month.

It brought us such lovely hues...

azure skies...

green meadows

panoramic vistas

and of course the moon.

Bless you for taking a moment to reflect with me.

Hugs Debbie


  1. It was my pleasure Debbie. Thank you for sharing all your beautiful photos and thoughts with us .

  2. Thank you Debbie... For always sharing such beauty...

  3. Amazing photos Debbie! It's still hard to believe that November is here!! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Dear Debbie, this is an amazing and gorgeous closing to October! Your photos are beautiful and captivating! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  5. Such beautiful country! You are truly fortunate. Thank you for the photos and for letting us share. Have a wonderful start to the new month.


  6. Thanks for sharing your memories of October. Here's hoping November will be mild.

  7. Hi Debbie! I'd like to stop the clock for a little while...time flies. I love thoses pictures of yours specially the second one with the magnificent tree. Magical! Hugs

  8. Gorgeous scenes, Debbie!! Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful photos!
    Kathryn XX

  9. Great photographs.
    Its rainy here today, typical November weather for soup and fuzzy socks.
    Happy November!

  10. Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! Our leaves here are just peaking too -- it's a dazzling show!!!

  11. These are some absolutely gorgeous scences, Debbie. The colors are so beautiful. (It's hot and humid again here...wahhh! Please send us some of your cooler weather!)

  12. It looks just like how I imagine autumn should look like. It's so different to anything I am used to.

  13. You know, Debbie, I think this was the most beautiful, perfect autumn in memory.

  14. oh my gosh so beautiful, the aurtumn here where i am wasn't as bright and colorful this year so i just love seeing your pictures. wow

  15. What beautiful photographs and words. Nature is awesome

  16. Enjoying the moment is what we should all remember to do , thank you for this beautiful display of autumn colors . xx

  17. It has been an amazing Autumn so far and I think you have captured it perfectly.

  18. Beautiful photos, Debbie. I've always associated October with an unfortunate event many years ago. This is the first time in years that I was able to see the glorious change of the season in a lovely new light, and I'm certain it has to do with your beautiful photos and thoughtful words.

  19. Your photos always put me in such a peaceful place! Thank you for sharing your quiet moments with us. Although I hate that it gets so early now, at least I can catch a sunset once in a while because they are so much earlier now...and have been spectacular lately. Enjoy the week, my friend!

  20. You could be a professional photographer, Debbie. Your choice of viewpoint has a romantic heart which appeals to me very much.
    I really love this post. Thank you. Have a great week.
    PS...#2 knocked my socks off!

  21. These images really bring me to a peaceful place, thank you for sharing. I agree with Julie, you should be a professional photographer, really amazing quality!! Have a wonderful week! xx

  22. I enjoyed very much viewing your autumn photos. Thank you for sharing them. They are absolutely beautiful.

  23. Dear Debbie,
    These are such breathtaking photos... I love the ~green meadows~ and the moon of course. Wishing you a peaceful week.
    Thank you so much for taking time to visit... I am so happy you enjoyed.

  24. Your photos are really stunning Debbie - you have a great eye for composition. What a picturesque area you live in. Can't get over how pretty autumn is in the northern hemisphere!

  25. Such lovely photos. We really are very blessed to have all this to see.


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