Saturday, October 17, 2015

Fall Things

Please excuse this brief missive.   I have been very busy enjoying fall things.

Hope everyone has a blessed week.

Hugs Debbie


  1. I pray you do too....the trees here are right at peak color I think. We are getting ready for colder weather. I look forward to the first snow....

  2. Oh Debbie I really do enjoy popping over here this time of year to see what seasonal delights you have created. This chap sitting on your bench looks so relaxed and fabulous. Very festive indeed. Enjoy the season. Hope it remains dry for this chap and you. Take care.

  3. I'm glad to read you've been enjoying the fall seaon. Continue on!

  4. Ah, even the scarecrow is taking it easy during these beautiful fall days!

  5. Dearest Debbie, no need to excuse this post, I am so glad you are sharing it! It looks like I would enjoy some nice time in this little place! Lovely! :)

  6. Ha ha - nice one Debbie. I love to see a scarecrow chillin'.

  7. Oh Debbie, I just love your chubby scarecrow... LOL !
    He must be eating some of your home made goodies. !

  8. I haven't made a scarecrow in years. Not since before my babies left the nest. I need to make another one someday.

  9. I enlarged this and felt a big smile appear. I would be very happy seeing this guy relaxing on my porch. Neat you know you are enjoying life. We all deserve that don't we? Your gift is knowing how to make the most of it.
    Blessings, dear Debbie.

  10. Glad you and your reclining friend had time to appear on your blog. He looks comfy. Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the joys of autumn!!

  11. Love your scarecrow! Hope you have a great weekend!

  12. I love your scarecrow, too cute! You have a blessed week, too, Debbie.

  13. Debbie, I'm just glad everything's fine with you. It is a pretty busy time of the year but soon I'm sure you'll have more time to yourself. Have a great week, Hugs

  14. Enjoy this beautiful time of the year!!

  15. Me, too--finally got a couple of days of nice weather!

  16. Autumn must agree with that fellow-he looks very relaxed!

    Hope that you have a good week too:)

  17. What fun! Enjoy your time these days as well, Debbie!

  18. I love your new friend! :) Have a good week too, Debbie!

  19. Oh yes this is how you should spend a good sunday :-) Have a nice week dear Deb.

  20. Have fun. We're still patiently waiting for fall but I heard that this week it should make an appearance.

  21. He looks like he is enjoying it too! Have a wonderful week Debbie! xx

  22. Hi Debbie! We have also been having some gorgeous weather! Hard to stay inside when soon the snow will fly! Enjoy your week! ~ Diane

  23. Love that comfortable scarecrow!!!! Sitting down on the job!!! Beautifully captured, Deb!

  24. Have more fun Debbie. God bless.

  25. Debbie,
    I LOVE your scarecrow! I made one years ago that is quite similar.
    Good fun!
    Thank you so much for visiting and kind note... No, I can no longer tolerate the odor of the turps for the oils... I now work in watercolor and acrylic.
    Have a lovely week!


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