Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Beautiful October Day

It was a beautiful October day.   The skies were pure blue - no clouds were found.

 Lovely colors were all around.

A gentle autumn breeze rustled through the dry standing corn.

Warm sunshine cast long shadows on the hillside.


A harvest of veggies provided an abundant feast.

Yes it was a beautiful October day.

So glad you stopped by.   We hope you will be back soon!

Hugs Debbie


  1. Beautiful pics to see as my day is ending, and you look great .
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Hugs from me too.

  2. What a marvelous post. I enjoyed every word and every image.
    Did you grow all those veggies yourself, Debbie? The beets look perfect for painting!

  3. Debbie - just read the comment about from Barbra. Is that you in the photo with the dogs? Pretty lady!

  4. How gorgeous, Debbie! It certain was a beautiful day, and your photos are displaying it quite well! :)

  5. What a lovely area you live in Debbie - all those beautiful trees changing colour. Great to see that you are still harvesting so much veg - and that all the hard work paid off. Nice to see a picture of you with the dogs too. My, hasn't the young one grown, such a handsome fellow. Hope the weather continues to be fine for you - a bit of sun makes all the difference doesn't it. Have a lovely week my friend.

  6. Lovely photos Debbie and those trees are changing to some great colours.

  7. I'm back making posts and catching up with old friends. So lovely to see your photos of your Autumn. How quickly your young pup has grown, How's the dog training coming along ?

  8. Thank you for more lovely photos of lovely places. Wow, all those veggies! You have a fantastic garden. I see soup. lol

  9. You still have tomatoes and zucchini! Wow.

    Such beautiful weather and your landscape is really something. Looks like a lot of rolling green hills but still kind of flat. The colors are just excellent. Getting all four seasons must be so different from CA.

    And the three of you look great! Happy to see everyone:)

  10. Thank u, Debbie for sharing wonderful photos, art work and your lovely posts. Your blog is full of love. I hope all your family is well. Please take care. Kind regards, Sadami

  11. What a treat, Debbie - beauty and abundance! Made my day!

  12. Your trees are turning faster than our's are turning here...soon, my favorite time of year, always! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Fall is so beautiful in America. Over here no leaves change colour so it never really feels like fall except the list takes on a really golden-rosy hue.

  14. So good to see a picture of you-pretty lady! The doggies look so contented.

  15. These are such lovely Fall photos, Debbie! Thank you. Is that you posing with the dogs?
    Kathryn XX

  16. I'm so glad you are enjoying these fall days. I am up in Maine enjoying the chill in the air and all that fall has to offer here in this small town. It is fun to be where people enjoy festivals and everyone turns out to have fun. Enjoy!!!

  17. Dear Debbie,
    Your photos of Fall are just beautiful, and I your harvest of veggies looks so good!
    Wishing you a beautiful week.

  18. I enjoy your photos, Debbie! Your veggies look amazing, do love seeing a photo of you as well!! I wish you a wonderful week!

  19. It's a wonderful season Debbie ! Enjoy! hugs :)

  20. Enjoying the moment here and now is what it is all about, and you seem to know this very well. Such beautiful photos of a perfect autumn day, I can almost smell the pure , fresh air ! xx

  21. Lovely photos--I found myself smiling as I scrolled down the page. Thanks for helping start my Monday off on a happy note.

  22. Gorgeous fall weather. Looks the same as here. Very subtle changes beginning though it's still hot.

  23. A wonderful, thoughtful post with such beautiful photos of the changing season. As a painter do you ever find yourself associating the things you see with a specific paint color? At one point I found myself describing a scene to my friend with "The sky was a soft, light ultramarine blue with the large aspen trees turning yellow ocher." Is it just me?

  24. Oh Debbie! What beautiful photos. I have to agree ...The Fall is such a beautiful time of the year....the colors are like no other! and the veggies are so colorful as well. I see a great salad going on your table!!! yummy!!!

  25. I just noticed the picture of you and the dogs!!!!! Beautiful photo!!!!!

  26. What a beautiful place you have there. I had enjoyed looking at your colorful photos. Thank you for sharing. God bless.

  27. Love your posts, Debbie. The photos are just gorgeous and you are so cute!!

  28. Great photos Debbie! Lovely to see your area in autumn colours and I'm impressed at the wonderful harvest from your garden. So nice to see the beautiful photo of you and your dogs.

  29. Your place is so beautiful and love the photo of you and your dogs! You (and they) look so happy! Enjoy the lovely weather!


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