Saturday, October 3, 2015


October's beginning has brought some lovely changes to Harmony Hills.


and white asters are making a bright display.

 Vibrant oranges and reds

have started a brilliant show.

Even the butterfly seems to enjoy October's changes.    Hope you are too!

Hugs Debbie

P.S. Thank you dear friends for your thoughts and prayers.   My dad is doing much better.  


  1. Dearest Debbie, firstly, I am so happy to hear that your dad is doing much better! Your post has brought much joy to me, but then again, all your posts do! I love your sketches and appreciate your artistic talent so much, and your photos are lovely!

  2. Prayers to you and yours
    Beautiful photos, and words

  3. Debbie i'm so glad to hear that your dad is doing better and i always love seeing the changes in your beautiful garden and glimpses of the things you are painting.

  4. Even though I love the summer and all the beautiful flowers it brings I have to admit the Autumn is just as nice! But most important....SO glad your Dad is doing better!!

  5. Glad your dad is doing better. That alone is a positive change!

    I love October, and today we had our first little taste of relief from the heat and humidity. It's still a bit humid, but the temps were down and it was breezy--a delightful day to be outside, and I haven't said that for probably seven months!

  6. Happy days - your dad is better!! Thanks for sharing that, and thank you for sharing your wonderful painting (so fresh) and these beautiful photos!

  7. Love your painting - so loose and fresh.

  8. I am so glad to hear that your dad is doing better! I will keep him in my prayers. Lovely photos of some of the lovely parts of autumn. I hope the storms didn't affect you much. We got some well needed rain here. Enjoy your weekend!

  9. What a joyful spray of flowers you painted, dear Debbie. The relief you must feel over your father's improvement shows through...such beautiful colors.
    I like the white asters - we have purple ones here, and growing up I heard them called them Michaelmas Daisies.
    So happy all is well.

  10. So pleased to hear of your dad's improvements Debbie! Your painting is really lovely - such a beautiful choice of colours! Your photos are gorgeous too - very autumnal! It must be great to have such a distinctive change to the season. Autumn for us is a very gentle change from summer to winter - but still enjoyable nonetheless!

  11. Hello Debbie, I am glad to hear your Dad is doing better and wish him a continued recovery.

  12. Lovely photographs and a joy to see the butterflies still enjoying the sunshine. Enjoy this time of the year, it is so inspiring and so much to capture in your paintings. Glad your dad is improving. Best wishes. Millyx

  13. Your painting is really gorgeous, Debbie! What a striking color combination. I think it would make a delightful fabric as well as a remarkable framed piece! Your photos always make me slow down a bit and enjoy the moment! Welcome back, my friend!

  14. Great autumn pictures and a wonderful watercolor, Debbie! Glad your dad is doing better!

  15. So happy to hear your dad is better. Your painting is wonderful so light and airy. Of course your photos make us really see how beautiful autumn is. Sunshine to you my friend. Sharon

  16. Glad to hear that your dad is doing better. You have captured some lovely images of the start of autumn. Still not much of a sign of it hear. Longing desperately for cooler weather and more rain.

  17. Your painting is beautiful, full of joy! I love the colors in your photos, just what fall is all about! Great news about your dad!

  18. Bold and lovely floral painting, Debbie!!! And I love your Fall photos.
    Kathryn XX

  19. Good news are always welcome!
    Already colors are changing and time s flying. Time to fix those beautiful flowers on paper, take care my friend.

  20. Glad to hear your Dad is ok now and that you are back to blogging. The beginning of October has been beautiful here too - a little bonus to be enjoyed. Sadly today is all change again - wet, cold and miserable - oh well, it had to happen sooner or later. Enjoy the rest of the week in all its beauty.

  21. I love your painting and the photos. I'm so glad to hear about your father....

  22. Dear Deb, october and autumn in general is one of my favorite periods, love the slow closing down of the summers opulence .So glad to hear your father is better , your photos and beautiful watercolor are all a witness of joy ! xx

  23. Hi Debbie,
    Vancouver is a beautiful city to visit, but it has lost its small-city feel. It's just too big and busy for me.
    Thank you for the compliment on the cow painting. She looks done ... and contented :)
    Kathryn XX

  24. That butterfly... oh my gosh, it's beautiful, especially with the background of the golden flowers... you always capture the exquisite, delicate things so perfectly!

  25. Debbie, I love your painting, and I'm so glad to hear that your Dad is doing better!



  26. Glad to hear things are better for your Dad Debbie. Our nearest and dearest are the most important people in life and I am pleased for both of you that you were able to devote your time to him. I hope he continues to improve and be well. Your painting is gorgeous and so are your lovely photos. Autumn is indeed here once again. Keep well yourself too and enjoy the wonderous colour that autumn brings with it. Take care. Laura xx

  27. Dear Debbie,
    I am glad to hear that your Dad is now better. I hope that he completely recovered. I love your October colorful photos, thank you for sharing those. God bless you and your family always.

  28. These views are so gorgeous Deb..they sing fall..super job!!!!!

  29. So glad to hear your Dad is better... I've been so remiss about visiting. Hope all is well now. Your photos and art are gorgeous!


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