Sunday, September 6, 2015

Last Waltz of Summer

Summer's Waltz
In Ohio turning the calendar to September means the last waltz of summer has started.

The days are still warm but there is a knowing that cooler temperatures are on their way.

Cook outs...

berry picking...

and bike rides will soon be exchanged by other activities.

For now though I plan to enjoy this last waltz of summer.  

Hope you will too!  Have a great week.

Hugs Debbie


  1. Oh, I can't wait for it to cool down and Slow Down!

  2. The air is changing, but I'm holding on to summer for a while longer. Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!

  3. Love these photos, Debbie!! As much as I love the Fall I don't want the Summer to end!!! Just a little longer.....

  4. Good evening Debbie,
    I love your watercolor! A lovely post, and beautiful music.
    I am looking forward to some cool weather... I will miss the longer days, but not the heat.
    Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

  5. Your photos are beautiful, Debbie! I will miss the greens of summer but NOT the intense heat and humidity, so I am really looking forward to Autumn with the cool, brisk and fresh air and winds, the changing of the leaves and the bounty of root vegetables that I love so much. :)

  6. I know autumn is on it's the evenings are shortening & getting chilly but I'm still clinging onto summer as long as I can. Love your painting , some splatter going on there, I have tried that and usually end up messing up what I should have left alone, Take care.

  7. Hi Debbie, enjoy your last waltz. We feel a touch of autumn in the air here as mornings are chilly but by 2 p.m. it's like a summer day again. This is the "back to school" weather that let's us know it's that time again. Time for us to thin the dead wood from the tree line at the back of our yard. Lots of widow makers out there right now. Looking forward to seeing some pretty foliage in about a month too. Take care, ride safe, and enjoy your days.

  8. Oh wow, Debbie your painting "Summer's Waltz" is gorgeous! Love the photos too! Lap up those last summery days. It felt like summer here today at 24C (75F).
    Soon you will be enjoying beautiful autumn colours!

  9. Lovely post. In theory, I love the change of seasons, even though we don't have such defined ones here in FL. I eagerly look for the first little bits of cooler weather in fall, but I dread the onset of summer! Right now, I am happy to be waiting for the cooler, drier temps of fall and winter.

  10. Beautiful painting, and photos.
    I can feel my feet cooling in the water.

  11. Your watercolor is really lovely , so sweet and summery . I think you used salt to get this stunning effect , didn't you ? These last rays of sun shall just be soaked up while we wait for nature to turn up for the colors :-)

  12. Butterflies - how I love to watch them. Watercolor was perfect for capturing their airy flight and beauty. Love what you painted, Debbie.
    That is one really GREEN area you live in. Takes moisture to make it that way. Will the fall colors be extra beautiful this year?

  13. Always love your posts, and this was no exception. Your painting is 'summery', and always my favorite season no matter where I live.

  14. It's one of my favorite times of the year! The subtle changes in the temperatures and light tell one, "Enough summer! Change is coming!" Thanks for the lovely photos!

  15. A lovely watercolour, Debbie! In Holland it seems autumn already started, it is cold and wet. So enjoy the last summer sun rays!

  16. Green and beautiful! Very summer like:)

    Your work is lovely too. Delicate. And is that corn on your property? That seems like a lot of fun. I passed by several fields of corn too the other day on my way to Sacramento. It was kind of glowing green and yellow in the morning sun.

    Hope you are well. Thanks for the lovely post.

  17. Lovely! This last waltz here is a bit too hot for me, so I am looking forward to some energetic Autumn Polkas!

  18. Beautiful waltz, I do love your aquarella! I guess we have about the same weather here. My computer was out of order for most of the summer but I am back now and very happy to renew with your blog. Have a lovely month dear Debbie!

  19. I am looking forward to a storm that has been forecast for tomorrow. It has been a hot, cruel summer and I can't wait for it to be over. But I can understand that you will have cooler temperatures soon ant that you need to make the most of the last of the warmer days. Thanks for always coming round to my blog and leaving a comment.

  20. It is wonderful to enjoy the moment! Your watercolor is beautiful, Debbie, I especially love the butterflies!! Have a wonderful week!

  21. Hi Debbie,
    Thank you so much for visiting and kind words.
    No, she is not a loved one... I have attempted in the past to draw my children and others in the family. I just could not get it right. I felt the drawings did not do them justice.
    This was just out of my imagination while listening to this soundtrack. Maybe one day, I will get it right.

  22. Beautiful painting, warm and wonderful thoughts and always bring me a calm, Debbie. What kind of Harley is this? Jeff has Road Glide touring and I can never keep Road Glide, Electra (Electric?) Glide straight...he's biased and I'm a novice so not sure of anything! LoL

  23. Your lovely painting says it all... it is a last waltz .... Our days are as if a switch was flipped and now we have a cool day ahead and the leaves are already starting to turn! Thanks for sharing these wonderful images!

  24. Hi Debbie Summer's Waltz looks great. A lovely way for you to remember warm summer days. Though... last waltz??? I try not to think in negatives. New seasons, new beginnings, new horizons. Every day brings a bright new future to look forward to. Enjoy autumn with its wonderful rich warm colours that it will kindly bring our way. Take care. xx

  25. I never commented on your beautiful watercolor, Debbie!!! Love the colors!!

  26. What a gorgeous painting! I also really love the picture of the creek. It reminds me of so much time spent by water as a kid. I still love it!

  27. love your painting! OH has a bike too - and we used to go touring! Nowadays we have a folding camper for those lovely trips.. a little more comfort than a tent. Your pictures show a great love for nature and an outdoor life, as well as dogs. If we were to ever meet, I'm sure we'd be pals! xx


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